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Toon Krijthe's user avatar
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
Toon Krijthe's user avatar
Toon Krijthe
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • 's-Gravenzande, Nederland
157 votes

Reward finding duplicate questions - +10, +2, -5

128 votes

How does comment voting and flagging work?

79 votes

Is Changing the Accepted Answer Frowned Upon?

73 votes

Where is my Electorate badge?

65 votes

Why are date-based hats awarded too early?

55 votes

Is Stack Overflow a social networking site?

49 votes

Propose a new 20k reputation privilege

44 votes

Reviewing low quality posts: when to delete

40 votes

Don't show negative score on questions

31 votes

How to get my first gold badge

30 votes

Is it ok to request for answer instead of comment with a comment message?

30 votes

Propose a new 20k reputation privilege

30 votes

Are there famous developers using Stack Overflow?

29 votes

Does systematic self-deleting need to be prevented?

28 votes

Unicorn Coin Mining Stratagies

26 votes

Got Flair -- when should I start displaying it?

22 votes

How can I thank the community when I solve my own problems? (Rubber Duck)

21 votes

What do you think of Winter Bash?

20 votes

A way to "downvote" a suggested edit and affect both the edit suggester and reviewers

19 votes

You've associated your accounts: +100 reputation

19 votes

Require 50 reputation for asking question

19 votes

What a "glate answer", badge needs a name

19 votes

How about hiding answer score for first few hours?

18 votes

Jon Skeet's broken the C# tag stats page formatting on SO!

18 votes

Any way to reward contributors beyond upvotes and bounties?

18 votes

Allow for receiving the enlightened badge for a self accept

18 votes

The mysterious Epic Punyon Beard

17 votes

Why do some very simple questions get lots of upvotes?

17 votes

Is it possible to find out reason of suspension for another user?

17 votes

Is it possible to remove the Careers banner with the dying starfish?

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