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Michael Mrozek's user avatar
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
Michael Mrozek
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
245 votes

How to write nested numbered lists

166 votes

Distinguish close votes by reason

105 votes

Sandbox archive

81 votes

How can I write a math formula in a post?

74 votes

How do I move my own question to another Stack Exchange site?

66 votes

How do I change my Stack Exchange password?

64 votes

Sandbox archive

54 votes

Multiple fanatic badges

45 votes

Introducing a brand new, consolidated, Help Center

44 votes

How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?

31 votes

What picture should the chat error page have?

30 votes

5K reputation loss in one day. How BIG is that?

26 votes

Is "made title a question" a valid reason for submitting an edit?

25 votes

Is cross-posting wrong (to an external site)?

25 votes

Is there a way to auto-identify tag synonyms which differ by *only* a hyphen?

25 votes

Badges should reward positive behavior

25 votes

Automatic signature

24 votes

I accidentally created a tag -- how can I delete it?

23 votes

What's the secret condition for getting the populist badge?

23 votes

How can I (as the room owner) unstar a message in chat?

23 votes

Creating a tag so that our developers can track the related questions

23 votes

Is it possible to add images to comments?

22 votes

Why was my answer deleted?

22 votes

Can we get rid of the default text "enter image description here"?

22 votes

Social media icon set that includes Stack Overflow

22 votes

How aggressively should we maintain and improve very popular questions?

21 votes

Can we stop closing P2P questions as off-topic?

20 votes

Starting to answer a question should lock it for a minute so that answer can be completed

20 votes

Check to make sure a duplicate does not exist before migrating

20 votes

Warn users that are treating SO as a forum, before their account is suspended

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