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Sampson's user avatar
Sampson's user avatar
Sampson's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
116 votes

Add the ability to ignore users

108 votes

Would it be possible to have a "community accepted" feature?

81 votes

The Many Memes of Meta

73 votes

Undo an up/down vote after a comment is left

66 votes

Is "M$" for "Microsoft" Allowed / Considered Ok?

56 votes

A Stack Overflow brick in the Computer History Museum wall

55 votes

Closing Etiquette: Why Do Some Answer *and* Close?

47 votes

How do I post code in comments?

45 votes

Consecutive Day Count in profile

43 votes

Dealing with questions of nefarious intent

43 votes

Podcast #66 - Discussion Ideas. (Unofficial)

41 votes

What was the first question on SO?

40 votes

How to contribute to Stack Overflow besides asking and answering?

38 votes

Allow an edit to notify downvoters: "I think I've fixed the issue now - please check"

27 votes

Nominations: New Stack Overflow Moderator

25 votes

Community vote for "Accepted Answer" (Rep. >= 5000 only)

25 votes

Does Jeff Atwood sleep?

24 votes

How can you get the permalink for an answer to a question?

24 votes

Show all voted close types when a question is closed

23 votes

Filter users by country

22 votes

I'm worried about Stack Overflow content licensing

20 votes

An "urgent" tag for questions that need answers within minutes

20 votes

Is it ok to answer your own question and accept it?

19 votes

Easily googlable questions

18 votes

Drawing/Sketching Tool for elaborating questions

17 votes

What is up with the waffle fetish?

17 votes

What should we do about the fake Jon Skeets?

17 votes

How to handle loads of rep recalc questions?

17 votes

Exit strategies for "chameleon questions"

17 votes

What more can I do when a wrong answer keeps getting up votes?

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