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Proposals for new features on the Stack Exchange network, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, in addition to the quality or usefulness of the post itself. Feature requests are not brought to the company's attention until and unless a [status-review] tag is added by a moderator or employee.

11 votes

Prompt to specify downvote reason but allow to keep downvotes anonymous

This would introduce increased friction for casting downvotes. Yes, small yet one not present for upvotes. Furthermore downvotes are already cast at a lot lower frequency than I feel they should be. T …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
11 votes

The "talkative" user problem

To provide an option to block certain users to comment on your questions. No. Feel free to flag the user's comments as "No longer needed" or even a custom mod flag if that seems warranted. The Stack …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
1 vote

We should be able to change which saves list a question is in directly from the question page

Right now, you can only toggle whether or not a question is saved at all from the question page, by clicking on the ribbon icon. This is incorrect, you are able to change the list. Once the Save ico …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
4 votes

Close-vote power and question tags

Does this feature suggestions solve this problem? There is no problem. Domain expertise in a given tag is usually not needed to determine whether or not a question is on-topic. If really not sure, u …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
3 votes

Could we have a minimum reputation for visible profiles?

I suppose it would be safe to have the minimum reputation of "more than 1" to unlock the full profile editing feature. So, for example, an accepted edit can unlock it. Or even asking a question and ac …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
2 votes

Let's have a single form to ask questions and have machine learning suggest subsite for it

The biggest problem I see is that the workflow should be: Identify where a question should be posted. Post a question written for that site. Questions are not boxes one can freely move from one plac …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
7 votes

Having the Community user offering bounties instead of bumping

A question bumped by Community might need be closed: Perhaps it slipped through the cracks originally Perhaps the rules have changed since then Perhaps there are other circumstances that would requir …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
4 votes

Make it easier to refer to an answer with the poster's name

It might be even better if a link to an answer is automatically formatted like question ones. For example, the short link to this question is: Which when used …
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k