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body:"apples oranges"
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Questions about the built-in search functionality of this site powered by ElasticSearch.

7 votes
0 answers

Specify destination tab in search or allow a sorting-keyword

When I type in some search, I do not always want to end up on the "relevance" tab. … Use-case: I use the search to 'filter' for newly active questions by using the search field is:question -[foo] so that I see what is currenlty active, but not tagged with foo. …
BmyGuest's user avatar
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2 votes

RSS Feed for Searches?

Perform the search you want to use Copy the search-URL from your browser Go to the site Feed43 And use the link 'Create your own feed' Read and accept the conditions for use. … For me, I used <div class="search-results">{%}</table> as global search pattern and <div class="summary">{%}<a href="{%}" title="{%}">{%}</a>{%}<div class="excerpt">{%} as Item (repeatable) search
BmyGuest's user avatar
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0 votes
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Daily-digest emails based on search-profiles

for convenience More importantly: The user can specify that he wants to automatically receive a daily/weekly digest email of new entries appearing with this search since the last digest period. … This would be much less performance consuming than an RSS feed for any search a user has ever entered! …
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