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Proposals for new features on the Stack Exchange network, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, in addition to the quality or usefulness of the post itself. Feature requests are not brought to the company's attention until and unless a [status-review] tag is added by a moderator or employee.

83 votes

So annoyed with no-comment, vindictive downvoting

My thoughts are this: I wish people would stop taking everything personal and assume that all downvoting is a vindictive personal attack when 95% of the time it is not. In the grand scheme of things …
TheTXI's user avatar
  • 58.4k
87 votes

Ban LMGTFY (let me google that for you) links

I think adding in some sort of algorithmic ban on a url is dumb when you already have a community out there who is more than willing to flag something as Offensive. If that post gains 6 Offensive flag …
TheTXI's user avatar
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79 votes

Should the markdown renderer treat a single line break as <br>?

This has always been an annoyance with me. When I press the enter key to go to a new line, it would be quite nice if the editor actually did what I wanted it to.
TheTXI's user avatar
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66 votes

Badge suggestion: Unsung Hero (5 accepted answers with no votes)

I actually like this idea. It also made me think of another badge idea. Purple Heart - Accepted Answer with a negative score.
TheTXI's user avatar
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49 votes

Please add a way to 'bump' questions back to the front page

Here's a different idea: Allow for bumping by users, but they come with a cost of reputation to perform the action. I imagine this cost could be anywhere from 1-5 reputation points. This would ensure …
TheTXI's user avatar
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58 votes

Please charge rep for questions after threshold

We have thresholds for every type of voting in the system, and we have a threshold for how much rep one can attain (which is a quasi-threshold on how many answers a typical person will post in a day), …
TheTXI's user avatar
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44 votes

Should you gain rep for asking a duplicate question?

One big pet peeve of mine is when someone answers a duplicate question with the link to the duplicate instead of doing the proper thing and commenting and/or editing the post itself. The posting of th …
TheTXI's user avatar
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22 votes

Routing question to particular Stack Exchange user or users?

If you want a particular user to see it, try and find their contact details in their profile (if they make any available). We should not be trying to leverage individual users but the entire communit …
TheTXI's user avatar
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39 votes

How can we close questions with bounties?

Flag it for moderator attention. I agree that setting up a bounty should not prevent a question from being closed. All I can say for that, though, is the fact that the question remained open long enou …
TheTXI's user avatar
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44 votes

Bounty Hunter badges

I definitely want the badges implemented. I would prefer the following however: Bronze for first bounty win Silver for bounty win worth X amount of rep (say minimum of 200) Gold for bounty win worth …
36 votes

Reputation for comments?

I do not believe that reputation should be given for comments. And this is coming from a guy who spends a lot of time posting comments that get voted up a lot. The content in comments tends more often …
TheTXI's user avatar
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13 votes

Can we have a

Tom made a point about it being a good idea for a hosted version of StackOverflow, which I could agree with more if it was towards a wider range of topics/audiences. But a book review section which is …
TheTXI's user avatar
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27 votes

Don't show the answers for the question in the first 2 minutes

For the 1,000th time... FASTEST GUN IN THE WEST IS NOT A PROBLEM If someone is the quickest to post an answer and it is the CORRECT answer, then you just did the OP a service by giving them an extre …
TheTXI's user avatar
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26 votes

Please get rid of daily reputation limit

Agreed. Between the inconsistencies in the rep limit being calculated over a daily basis (thanks to the differences in local vs. server time), and the inconsistencies that other users such as Cletus h …
TheTXI's user avatar
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35 votes

Allow users to leave an anonymous comment when voting

Voting is meant to be anonymous. We -encourage- users to leave a comment (especially when downvoting) but do not force it upon anyone. If you are nice enough to leave a comment on a downvote to expl …
TheTXI's user avatar
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