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Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a concrete answer, it's probably a discussion.

13 votes

Photos of the new office

Not technically an answer - but as one cannot post images in comments: Where to obtain such a beautiful creature? Though it would be great that there's the StackExchange logo printed on the t-shirt …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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18 votes

Where can I get a unicorn?

Thanks to Adam's hint I found a web shop selling these beautiful creatures! They don't just sell one of them, you will need to buy a whole bunch. Price starts at $6 if 50 of them get ordered. I'm qu …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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16 votes

Why is this question off topic for SO?

This is not just about whether your question is on topic for software engineers. It is also - and more importantly - about whether it is on-topic for Stack Overflow. The site's FAQ states that the fol …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Too many Custodian badges

I just got awarded the third "Custodian" badge on StackOverflow. Given my current reputation (< 800) I have access to two review queues only. So where did the third badge come from? When taking a de …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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9 votes

Should you leave a comment explaining edits?

Sometimes I leave a comment after suggesting an edit, though usually I do that only for "First Posts" if: the post was almost unreadable due to missing punctuation or missing casing, the post CONTAI …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

JSFiddle links in code-block are recognized as valid inline code

EDIT: I changed the meta-tag to discussion to encourage some more opinions on this topic, because this is not a bug, but a feature-request, if at all. …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do my privileges not carry over to other Stack Exchange?

I understand that reputation is an indication of how good you are at helping, etc, so it makes sense they wouldn't carry over. You got that right here. You could for example be good at photograph …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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6 votes

Huge close votes review queue on Stack Overflow

I have another suggestion to make: Let vote-to-close flags count as silent close votes and convert them to real ones once they have been validated by a user actually voting to close. Once a VTC-flag …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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2 votes

How to review seemingly well thought out first posts?

There have been many requests for a Looks Good! button in the first posts or late answers review queue here... You are right in my opinion to Skip the review when you think that the post looks good, …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Privilege wiki of "Remove new user restrictions" promises too much

After reading this question I took a look at the "Remove new user restrictions" privilege wiki page. The current version (Revision 10) of this page is misleading somehow in my opinion. Access to revi …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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3 votes

What is general policy for links in posts and edited posts

Personally I think that links that are contained within continuous text should display a meaningful title instead of the whole URL. That way the link does not impair reading fluency: As you can se …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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2 votes

"False" flags waste moderators' time

Taking from this answer the following applies to the "Low-Quality" review queue: If you select "recommend deletion", it bumps the post higher in the queue for 20k users who have the power to vote fo …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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5 votes

Suggested Edits and Edit Reviews

Regarding the fourth suggestion of the first draft of the question, that proposed edit flags indicating that a post needs improvement: Even though the original question has been edited since, you can …
Spontifixus's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Should I flag to migrate questions to another SE site when I am not active there

I recently flagged some questions for migration from StackOverflow to another StackExchange site ( in this case). Some of these flags where declined by a moderator (reason: …
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