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Search options not deleted user 164403

This is the tag to use for any questions related to deleted answers specifically.

2 votes

What happens to the votes given to an answer, if the answer is undeleted after months?

The reputation changes related to the votes will be restored. Votes on answers do not decay with time (as e.g. close votes do).
Frédéric Hamidi's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why does the site's idea of the reputation cap state survive recalcs?

I broke the reputation cap today answering this question, but it got merged some time later and my answer did not make it (as it became redundant then). I briefly mourned the hundred rep points I los …
Frédéric Hamidi's user avatar
10 votes

I don't agree with the deletion, yet the system is using it as an example to teach me

For reference, here is the aforementioned deleted answer: It is best way to Use a latest iPhone LED Mini Projector to watch video. The item doesn't need web app, …
Frédéric Hamidi's user avatar
18 votes

This is Stack Overflow, not a comedy club! (?)

I don't think your answer was deleted because you were joking, but because the joke rendered your first line nigh-unreadable. Joking is fine (within reason), but it should not impair the readability …
Frédéric Hamidi's user avatar