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Proposals for new features on the Stack Exchange network, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, in addition to the quality or usefulness of the post itself. Feature requests are not brought to the company's attention until and unless a [status-review] tag is added by a moderator or employee.

48 votes

How to make pictures smaller?

Yes, just add an s, m or l (lowercase) at the end of the imgur link before the ".png". For example, the image can be made: Small: Med …
JonW's user avatar
  • 13.7k
43 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have site-specific badges?

All badges are global across the SE network (except for some Area51-specific ones) however each site is different so is it possible to have some site-specific badges created aimed at encouraging usefu …
JonW's user avatar
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40 votes
2 answers

Make it clearer that some of the close / on-hold reasons have additional options

It's not that clear that the Off Topic option has some additional choices after it. I suggest that by adding an ellipsis to the end of the Off Topic wording (and probably the Duplicate one too for con …
JonW's user avatar
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11 votes

Automatically backup the content of links to prevent linkrot

No it shouldn't. Stack Exchange should be a stand-alone site in its own right. Answers with links to places shouldn't be dependent on the content of those links existing - if the content is useful the …
JonW's user avatar
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8 votes

Let us block users

This isn't a social-network; It's a Q&A site. If someone is leaving taunting / vitriolic comments / answers on your posts then flag them and the moderators will deal with it. Blocking is something th …
JonW's user avatar
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17 votes
0 answers

Can we see some of the AB testing results that StackExchange run?

Following on from this question: Stackoverflow questions not displaying in chronological order in Chromium webbrowser it would be interesting to see what some of the other AB tests that Stack Exchang …
JonW's user avatar
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38 votes

The Anatomy of a Hot Question

As a mod on UX.stackexchange (a graduated site) we get the same issue. Something hits the HQ top 3 and we get loads of comments, 'answers' and all sorts and invariably the solution is to delete a bunc …
JonW's user avatar
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4 votes

Acronym Definitions

It's an interesting idea. But I'd say unnecessary for several reasons. Stack Exchange sites are, by definition, for 'Expert communities', so it could be said that people should already know the acron …
JonW's user avatar
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2 votes

Add an easy way to copy deeplink to answers

Each answer already has a 'Share' button that allows this:
JonW's user avatar
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12 votes

Better CAPTCHA to Use on the Site?

Although none are perfect, at least reCAPTCHA has some accessibility provision. (It's text-only so doesn't require dexterity to use, plus there is an audio option too). You need to provide the most n …
JonW's user avatar
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7 votes

Why there is no tag cloud to choose tags from?

Firstly, there are far too many tags in Stack Overflow for a tag cloud to be anywhere near usable. Secondly, tag clouds are not actually used much in the real world anyway. They're a fad that has mor …
JonW's user avatar
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6 votes

Show Side By Side Revisions in Reopen Queue

You don't have to navigate away from the page to see the revision though - there are 'tabs' directly underneath the action buttons for Question (revised) and Revision. Yes, it could probably be cleare …
JonW's user avatar
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5 votes

Add a "Featured Community" section on the profile page

To be honest, I don't think it's a particularly useful idea. Cheifly because; I don't care what a users top-rated posts are on if I'm looking at their GraphicDesign.stacke …
JonW's user avatar
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3 votes

Showing the desktop version of all Stack exchange sites by default on tablets

It is becoming increasingly difficult to just detect 'tablet' these days. At one end of the spectrum there are tablets running mobile (i.e. cellphone) OS's - such as early or cheap 2.0 Android ones, a …
JonW's user avatar
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17 votes

Winter Bash 2014 closing remarks - ideas for next year

Can we do away with hats that encourage site misuse? We had people posting deliberately poor questions / answers so that they could be downvoted and deleted this year.
JonW's user avatar
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