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We have been waiting for Verilog and SystemVerilog (SV) highlighting for a long time. Apparently we will have Verilog support with highlight.js, but SV will continue to be unsupported. Still much better than before. I'm happy with the change and appreciate your effort.

Let me put some Verilog code (from highlight.js demo) here to see the result after the roll-out. I assume the language code will be lang-verilog.

EDIT: We haven't got Verilog support as Ben Kelly mentioned in the comments. The following snippet has no language code, thus we see the result of auto detection.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

 * counter: a generic clearable up-counter

module counter
    #(parameter WIDTH=64, NAME="world")
        input clk,
        input ce,
        input arst_n,
        output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q
    string name = "counter";
    localparam val0 = 12'ha1f;
    localparam val1 = 12'h1fa;
    localparam val2 = 12'hfa1;

    // some child
    clock_buffer #(WIDTH) buffer_inst (

    // Simple gated up-counter with async clear

    always @(posedge clk or negedge arst_n) begin
        if (arst_n == 1'b0) begin
            q <= {WIDTH {1'b0}};
        else begin
            q <= q;
            if (ce == 1'b1) begin
                q <= q + 1;

    function int add_one(int x);
      return x + 1;
    endfunction : add_one

initial $display("Hello %s", NAME);
endmodule : counter

class my_data extends uvm_data;
  int x, y;

  function add_one();
  endfunction : add_one
endclass : my_data