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Questions tagged [users]

This tags is for general questions about users and user accounts.

7 votes
1 answer

How is a single month duration defined on a Stack Exchange site?

A user profile on any of the Stack Exchange websites shows the age of the account in terms of number of years and months. Member for 1 year, 4 months How is a single month duration defined and ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Mobile site shows users’ total reputation rather than interval reputation

If I go to the mobile site and sort users by reputation by month or other intervals, the page shows their total reputation numbers, rather than their reputation numbers during the interval. The ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does user searching start at 3 letters?

Why does the user search only activates after at least 3 letters have been typed? Searching for tags does not seem to have this mechanism.
Xcoder's user avatar
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-10 votes
1 answer

How to contact a user on a site? [duplicate]

I am not talking about contacting a user about a question/answer on a site. It's just for other information or asking for some personal advice, or just commenting a user on his/her 'about' profile! ...
Tojra's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Why cannot we comment-reply more than one person in comments, and anyone in questions/answers? [duplicate]

I think the comment-reply (ping) mechanism is way too limited. You can only reply to one person in a comment. And you can't use an @ whatsoever in questions and answers. It just doesn't make sense to ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

Disallow user names which result in unclickable links

This is not a duplicate of Why are usernames allowed to be composed entirely of non-visible Unicode characters? as that simply asks why this ability exists. This is a feature request asking for this ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to track the question-to-answer ratio of users on a given site?

I'm trying to run a query which takes the top, say, 50 users on a site (bonus points if you can edit this number when running the query), and outputs a table listing all of the users, how many ...
DonielF's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

The default period for the users page is different on Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites

The default period for the /users page is different on Stack Overflow and all other Stack Exchange sites. Previously for the /users page, the default period is set as "week". Now except Stack ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 38.9k
1 vote
1 answer

How can I order users by the number of questions they have asked on Stack Overflow?

How can I order users by the number of questions they have asked on Stack Overflow?
morpheus's user avatar
  • 127
6 votes
2 answers

Does the Stack Exchange owner have a user account?

Just a curious question, does he/she actually use this site or any of the sub topic sites? If so, where is his/her account?
Lolpez's user avatar
  • 163
4 votes
1 answer

How can I get the summary of questions a user ask from the Stack Overflow data dump?

I need information about how many questions a user asks, how many of them are resolved, and how many of them remain unanswered. Is there any way to get this information from the SO data dump?
Saikat Mondal's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Alignment issue in users page while searching user

There is an alignment issue occurred while searching the users in the Users page. The grid cells' height is increased while fetching the result. Once the result fetched, the grid's height become ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 38.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to track a user's review history?

Is there a way to see an individual's review history? I don't think there is. I've checked the tools page on the review menu, a privilege afforded to users with 10K, and didn't find what I was ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

To estimate how much time I've spent on SE, what tools are available to help, or at least how can I "vacuum up" all of my timestamps?

I just wrote the following comment: While SE isn't social media per se I've asked about 1,500 questions in SE, and I could probably reconstruct a metric for total hours spent if I applied some ...
uhoh's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Nationality, does it matter in Stack Exchange?

Yesterday, a Stack Exchange fellow commoner contacted me through my personal email address as an official representative of Stack Exchange. He tried to flatter me as the 800th "user" coming from ...
cameraman's user avatar
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