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Questions tagged [unaccepted-answer]

For questions about answers that were accepted and then got unaccepted at a later time.

3 votes
1 answer

Some accepted answers appear to have been unaccepted but still have the checkmark [duplicate]

Some accepted answers do not have a valid accept-vote in Votes table, even though the question owner still exists. Stack Overflow alone has over 2000 such answers. A recent example is Sub query for ...
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10 votes
1 answer

How to mark question as answered (solved) if my question does not have any answers? [duplicate]

How to mark question as answered (solved) if my question does not have any answer? I know that I can answer my question and then accept it. But I am interesting if there is any other way to mark my ...
vasili111's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Lock answer accepts like we do with votes?

At present, Stack Exchange sites lock in a user's up/down vote, after 5 minutes, unless the post on which the vote is made changes in some way. There is, however, no similar lock on accept votes. I ...
HopelessN00b's user avatar
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-32 votes
1 answer

Gaming system with accepts

Well, it is not really efficient, but gives some reps (tried two days ago, only 41 reps :-) ). I have, for example, 50 question where I had accepted answers. And 101 reps, because each accept gives ...
nicael's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Prioritize non-accepted answers with more than 10:1 votes of the accepted [duplicate]

The SE model works well; OP asks and accepts, the community votes. You get two answers for the price of one; the one that works for OP and the one that works for the community. Let's face it: ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does a temporarily suspended account automatically unaccept answers to their questions?

The user Ram Dutt Shukla was recently suspended temporarily due to "voting irregularities". I had previously answered one of this user's questions, which had been accepted. Then I lost 15 reputation ...
superEb's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange Etiquette - Changing an accepted answer?

If I accept a correct answer but a more detailed and clearer answer comes along after the fact, should I change the accepted answer? Is it considered rude to the original answerer whose answer was ...
kvass's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Just one more thing [duplicate]

This is getting old, sometimes I answer a Q and it feels like doing tech support for my uncle or neighbor. You know, they call every few days with "one more thing". Case: Reset a list using jQuery ...
000's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What to do when OP thanks but does not accept any answer? [duplicate]

If you provide a good answer for a question and the asker explicitly comment your answer with something like: "Thanks so much, now it's working!", but he does not accept your answer (maybe because it'...
MikO's user avatar
  • 203
3 votes
2 answers

Should I accept the answer?

I asked a question—set jquery ThickBox size to auto—and I started a bounty. After the bounty period expired, there is no perfectly correct answer to what I am looking for, but one answer with two up-...
zey's user avatar
  • 675
3 votes
3 answers

Choosing not to accept a better answer when already satisfied with the first accepted answer?

In the case that I asked a question, waited a few days, and then accepted a great answer that told me exactly what I need to know. Afterwards someone adds an answer that gives the same important ...
Korey Hinton's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

My answers don't get accepted - what can I do?

On Arqade I am kinda well informed. After my registration on it, I answered several questions on the same topic, asked by the same person. Now these answers are about two weeks old and I know the ...
Eveli's user avatar
  • 209
9 votes
0 answers

Is this behavior acceptable? [duplicate]

I found out my answer for this question got unaccepted. I went and checked the answer that was accepted instead. While I didn't think it was more correct than my own answer, I thought it was the OP's ...
Eran's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to deal with people that never accept an answer?

I just came across some OP that has about 20 questions with good answers (in my opinion). But he/she never took the time to accept any of those answers. In the "Old" days we had the acceptance %, and ...
Frank's user avatar
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-31 votes
2 answers

Why the answer giver overtake my answer? [closed]

I have given a very short answer that questioner is satisfied with my answer and up voted and accepted my question and after some time another answer giver steal the idea of mine but very cleverly ...
luxi's user avatar
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