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Finding my upvotes on Data Explorer

This T-SQL finds all the questions I have answered on SO. I want to determine if I upvoted the question or not (as ...
JMP's user avatar
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Can posts with no votes (as opposed to zero score) be queried?

I am curious to know how many posts (questions, in particular) have zero score because no one has ever voted on them versus posts with zero score because they have equal (non-zero) numbers of upvotes ...
Aaron's user avatar
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How to find votes that were made with under 15 reputation [duplicate]

I've been using the LaTeX Stack Exchange site for a while to assist my learning of LaTeX. In this time, I have upvoted questions and answers that I found to be helpful. However, these weren't "...
JAK Zero's user avatar
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The votes table doesn't have the votes for deleted posts, does it?

Over the weekend I had a major mishap in my understanding what the Votes table in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer actually contains. For the last 6 to 8 years I assumed the schema only contains data ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.1k
9 votes
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What does "Mod" stand for in "UpMod"?

I've gone through relevant posts such as (Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE) and (What do these votetypeids in the votetypes table mean?). I am also aware that in terms ...
WXJ96163's user avatar
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How many posts are downvoted without a comment?

A returning theme on our beautiful and productive Meta sites is the topic on downvoting without leaving a comment. Yes, that is a bit cheeky and admit it: you've done that as well. In a recent post ...
rene's user avatar
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Can we get Stack Exchange voting data updates?

During some discussion, a very kind user linked me to this since I was combing trough SO(comp)/SE trying to familiarise myself with this website and data it provides. What I am interested in are ...
Danilo's user avatar
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VoteTypeIds in the context of Comments for StackOverflow Posts

Known information: As per this answer comments can't be downvoted. VoteTypeId 3 means downvote on a given post. referred answer My Assumption: Comments should not be downvoted and therefore Votes ...
Aditya Narkar's user avatar
5 votes
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Which of my answers have been upvoted on the most days?

My theory is that answers which have received upvotes on 15 distinct days spaced across a year were in fact more valuable than answers which received 100 upvotes within a 2 day period (after reaching ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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How to find the post having highest upvote without any downvote

By this query I can able to get the highest number of post score (the number of upvotes - number of downvotes) for question, answer wise. SELECT P.Id AS [Post Link], R.MaxScore, R.PostType FROM Posts ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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How are answer scores really calculated? [duplicate]

I have read that the answer scores are calculated by the formula (Upvotes - Downvotes). I have just done a query using Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) and see a discrepancy between this formula ...
Rabbit's user avatar
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How can I find out the ratio of negative to positive votes I gave on questions?

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how "mean" I've been to newbies and where I would place in a top like this. I can see all my negative and positive votes on questions individually, as a ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes
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Using SEDE to track progress on the Electorate badge

Almost identical to this SEDE query, I was trying to query for all my votes and determine how many were on questions, answers, and comments. Starting simply, I wanted to grab all my votes and their ...
OhBeWise's user avatar
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Are attempts at voting on locked posts recorded anywhere?

Like anonymous feedback, where SE gathers data about unregistered users voting on normal posts, is the same done for locked posts, and is this information stored on SEDE?
Braiam's user avatar
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Can you help with getting some statistics on Stack Overflow voting patterns?

About 2 weeks ago we've said good-bye to some old close reasons (minimal understanding, describe specific problem, etc). Since then, I think I might have noticed a drop in the amount of votes to close ...
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