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The Help Center page on "closed questions" on sites other than Stack Overflow contains the old descriptions of the close reasons

The Help Center page at /help/closed-questions titled What does it mean if a question is "closed"? lists the five top-level close reasons and their descriptions. However, the close reason ...
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Do we avoid questions about current events that have a limited life?

RPG Stack Exchange, along with a few other older sites, have this bullet point in our on-topic FAQ: We don't want the information on our site to become obsolete, and so we try not to ask ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
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Choosing option to close own answered question? [duplicate]

I want to close my question, as it is answered, because I think my question is solved with given answer so which options must I choose from the below to close a question? Which option is suitable? ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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Please update the description of "too broad" in the help centre

The "Too Broad" close reason has been changed to: Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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Off-topic doesn't tell you what you can ask?

On old Stack Overflow posts, we had close reasons: Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to relate to programming within the scope defined by the community. Consider editing the question or ...
Zizouz212's user avatar
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Is "lack of minimal understanding" an off-topic reason or not, now? Mixed messages [closed]

Lack of minimal understanding of the problem being solved is no longer an off-the peg reason for flagging a question off-topic, and according to this answer As of now, the "minimal understanding" ...
Mike Kinghan's user avatar
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Update Off-Topic Close Reasons in Help

The "What Can I Ask About?" Help Page is out of date: It has the old close reasons (recently removed) and does not include the new close reason:
JDB's user avatar
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New close reason - Allow to vote to close a question based on "info is in help center"

Proposal: I think it would be very worthwhile implementing a new close option: Vote to close based on: The question being asked already has an answer within the help center. And link to ...
James's user avatar
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Clarifying in the Help Center that asking for libraries is not accepted

From the close dialog: Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. ...
Lennart Regebro's user avatar
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Possible inconsistency between Help Center and close reason regarding programming tools

According to Help Center's On topic page but if your question generally covers… a specific programming problem a software algorithm software tools commonly used by programmers ...
mishik's user avatar
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Please automatically include text covering site specific close reasons in the help pages

As the site is transitioning away from FAQ and the old close reasons, each site can enumerate up to three custom close reasons and the moderators make and approve these text changes. Would it be ...
bmike's user avatar
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Help center for closed questions is/will-be outdated

Since the "brand new, consolidated" help center has already been out on all sites in Stack Exchange network since June 5, 2013, and the new closing reasons are about to be launched this week, I'd like ...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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Flag and close vote description still mentions "FAQ" instead of "help center" [duplicate]

I may be nit-picking right now, but the description for close and flag reasons still say "see the FAQ" instead of "see the help center". This is network-wide. Can we please fix this?
Dynamic's user avatar
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All references to the FAQ in close reasons should be changed to Help Center links

Close reasons still have links to the FAQ in them - these should be referred to as the Help Center, since that's what it is now. Not Constructive (emphasis obviously mine) We expect answers to be ...
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