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-11 votes
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Is there any way to hide my badges and reputation from others?

I ask because I believe badges and reputation serve only in creating implicit bias amongst askers when viewing answers and comments, and on the flip-side amongst commenters and answerers when viewing ...
Tempest's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why isn't the reputation gained for editing a tag wiki refunded if the tag is burned?

I suggested a tag excerpt edit that got approved. But later, the tag was burned and the wiki "orphaned". Instead of getting a -2 in my reputation, the rep stayed and the link led to a 404 ...
Ollie's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a way to block notifications and reputation updates from specific sites?

When I'm at work or engrossed in a technical site, I generally don't like getting distracted by notifications or reputation updates from sites like Meta SE and other recreational SE sites. Is there a ...
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-8 votes
1 answer

Can users without the required reputation suggest new tags? [duplicate]

On the Stack Exchange boardgames' domain I sadly was not able to submit my response, as the game I was posting about is not so popular (#). So I just went on and put any random tag on it. I am really ...
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-12 votes
2 answers

Is there an option to close your own questions regardless of reputation?

So let's say that I received an answer that like and accepted it. While I have read How do I close my own question?, I do not nearly have enough reputation points to do that. If such a feature doesn't ...
GameCoder's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Should we allow to undo a mistaken bounty?

Note: This question is different from "How does the bounty system work?" in that it does not ask if a bounty can't be corrected, but why. In the following question How to load foreign image via POST ...
vog's user avatar
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Jon Skeet's Points without 200 limit? [duplicate]

I just read this post (and these too - 1, 2) answering how does Jon Skeet get above 200 reps a day. I was just curious to know how much Jon Skeet's reputation would be by now (14 March 2015) without ...
Confuse's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Awarding a bounty to a deleted answer

I have offered a bounty to one of my previous questions which hadn't not received enough attention. But I got a nice answer after I offered the bounty. I decided to wait for a few more answers, so I ...
Stranger's user avatar
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5 votes
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Show reputation `over time` and `over post` differently

This image shows reputation over posts: This image shows reputation over time: There is no any problem with reputation shown over posts. But the reputation shown over time has been grouped by post: ...
Somnath Muluk's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Are there network-wide reputation leagues?

I would love to see which people have the most network-wide reputation, how can I see that?
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Filter User Reputation Leagues to only those with similar skill sets

It's probably a bit of an odd request, but is it possible (or would it be possible) to have the ability to filter or group the User Reputation Leagues to those with similar skill sets based on the ...
M.Babcock's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Inconsistent reputation detail (by post vs by time)

This question was posted on, but since it deals with the general StackExchange environment, I am reposting it here for some feedback. Reputation may be viewed "by post&...
Werner's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why is not there some downvote validation? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Serial downvotes in quick succession on all my posts I have been an active member of Stack Overflow for the last 2 weeks (although a registered member for just 6 months). ...
Nishchay Sharma's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Possible to see what changes caused reputation adjustments during the recalculation?

I saw from this post that a recalculation of reps happened recently. I also saw from this post that Robert Harvey can apparently determine what posts caused the rep change during the recalculation. ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
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Since I have enough reputation to cast close votes, shouldn't I be able to close my own questions without waiting for other people to vote?

Example question MySQL: Get the difference between timestamps Another user found a duplicate and did not vote to close, I voted to close... but it is not yet closed. Maybe when closing your own ...
700 Software's user avatar
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