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38 votes
3 answers

Can I dim the top bar?

The color changes to the top bar now make it SCREAM AT THE USER .. as if it contained neon icons. All the icons are an eye magnet with the dark background. It's not so bad on Stack Exchange sites ...
Scott's user avatar
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Orange link that used to be suggested edits is now all review [duplicate]

When I reached 2k reputation points (on Stack Overflow), I got an orange rectangle next to my profile link on the notification bar that links to the suggested edits review page and displays the number ...
zondo's user avatar
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Don't show "review suggested edits" if you already reviewed 20 edits [duplicate]

I have hit 2,000 reps on Stack Overflow today (hooray!) and started reviewing suggested edits. After I reached the limit of 20 reviews, "review suggested edits" button is still showing in top bar, ...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k
14 votes
1 answer

Bring back the suggested edits notifications to the top bar . . . again

When the new top bar rolled out, the suggested edit indicator disappeared. A short while later, they came back, but with the understanding that they'd eventually be replaced by an indicator for all ...
user avatar
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Take filters into account for the Suggested Edits review counter

The review queues allow you to set up a tag filter, so we can filter our personal queue regarding our knowledge and/or preference. I'm a bit confused by the review counter in the top bar. It can show ...
Blo's user avatar
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Items to review counter on the top bar does not update

At least for me, on, the top bar highlights the number of items in the "Suggested Edits" queue (whenever there's something to process). However, the counter does not update after ...
Olli's user avatar
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Let me really know I have a pending suggested edit [duplicate]

Suggest edits notification is hard to spot. Next to the badge number, and because of the background color, you don't really see you have a suggested edit unless you look at it directly. I suggest we ...
ʞunɥdɐpɐɥd's user avatar
12 votes
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Please remove the top bar indicator after completing review limit [duplicate]

It's glad to see the top bar indicator for review suggested edit. But, the top bar still indicating the items count to be reviewed after completing daily limit(20 for suggested edit). I requested ...
Azik's user avatar
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Bring back the suggested edit notifications to the top bar [duplicate]

It appears that the suggested edit indicator (to users with the “moderator tools” privilege) has disappeared from the new top bar. The suggested edit indicator is useful. Suggested edit review is not ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
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Hide suggested edits indicator if done for the day [duplicate]

When I have completed all 20 Suggested Edits for the day, I still see the indicator in the top bar for new suggested edits. Perhaps this indicator should not appear once I'm "done for the day". Here ...
hayd's user avatar
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7 votes
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Suggested Edits still in toolbar when limit is reached [duplicate]

Suggested Edits is different from other review items in that it displays in the SE toolbar with a highlighted number (at least it does on TeX.SE). However, when you have reached your daily maximum ...
Werner's user avatar
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159 votes
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Don't show pending suggested edits to me after I run out of votes

Now that I've reached 2k on Stack Overflow, I get access to the "Suggested Edits" review queue. Although I only have 20 edits per day, the "suggested edit awaiting" icon in the top bar is always ...
aF.'s user avatar
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