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Display bounty expire time in the bounty tab

When I go to the question details page it shows the expire time form (picture one)... I am requesting it should also show in the bounty tab like (picture two). I think it will be helpful for question ...
نور's user avatar
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Without understandable feedback it's hard to know if I can reward my bounty

This issue was reproduced in Android 10 using Google Chrome and using the browser in Desktop mode, and was reproduced in more than one community. As you can see in the next image, I created a question ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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Make bounty background color blue, in the Reputation Summary on the profile page [duplicate]

Currently, when you are awarded a bounty, the color in the Reputation Summary tab shows up green, just like any other accepted answer or other reputation increase. This can be a little confusing, ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
5 votes
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Award bounty link does not have pointer mouse cursor

Items which can be clicked usually have a pointer mouse cursor when hovering over them, e.g. the vote arrows: This is good. However, I noticed that since some recent (?) change in design, the award ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
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Mobile site doesn't distinguish colors between rewarding and already-rewarded bounties

On this question, I have a 200-reputation bounty active. To reward it, I would click here next to the answer: However, it looks like this on mobile: Unlike on desktop, there isn't a color or bolding ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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11 votes
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Remove the end time of bounties from question titles?

So today I chimed in on IPS and scrolled a bit. This question caught my eye, because it had a number in it. Something like that I haven't seen in a long time, if ever. Then I read the title and was ...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
9 votes
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Change the way expired bounties are shown in question lists

There has been a change in how bounties are displayed in some of the question lists, and while there is room for improvement it looks odd for bounties which are in their grace period. It's probably ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Show an icon on questions that had an unawarded bounty

Wouldn't it be interesting and handy to see an icon on questions that once had an unawarded bounty? I've been requesting the Stack Exchange team add this in surveys for several years now and thought ...
Jeremy Thompson's user avatar
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Add blue color background to bounty award on the Mobile UI

As I was browsing through the questions list on the main page of Meta.SE on my mobile (iPhone 6 with iOS 8.4), I came across the Increase limit on tag length question with an open bounty of +100 ...
HackerKarma's user avatar
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In the bounty primary window, "learn more" link should be separated from the main sentence

When you click "start a bounty" link, the sentence saying how many bounties you can start is not separated with the following "learn more" link: Probably put a comma or a semicolon between the ...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k
6 votes
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During bounty period, increase understanding of which answers are eligible for auto-awarding

Based on the confusion present in many questions on various metas, most recently exemplified on MSO, it seems that even those who have a reasonably good understanding of bounty mechanics can still ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
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The "start a bounty" button doesn't look like one [duplicate]

Currently, the button to "start a bounty" seems to be suffering from Windows 8-syndrome—it looks a bit more like text than an actual button. This issue isn't specific to Meta.SE either—it's a ...
Alexis King's user avatar
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Bounty award number is too tiny... or the box is too big

But I blame The Number, don't think it is the fault of The Box. This number is too small relative to the box: I suggest enlarging a bit, I can hardly see it!
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k
29 votes
2 answers

Make bounty award color blue in summary tab

Accepts are green, that's good. But why is the color of bounties green in summary, recent rep? Bounties are blue everywhere, so make them blue there! So can we change the color of ...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k
88 votes
2 answers

Can we move "Start a bounty" to a more intuitive location?

Can we please move the "Start a bounty" link to be in the same location as all of the other action buttons? It makes no sense to me for this to be buried after the comments - It's an action on the ...
voretaq7's user avatar
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