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Questions tagged [duplicate-questions]

For the process of identifying and closing questions that are duplicates of another question.

9 votes
0 answers

Why was the network-wide close-as-duplicate comment change not announced here?

Since yesterday the automatic comment posted when closing or flagging a post as a duplicate was changed from Does this answer your question? [question title] to This question is similar to: [...
Joachim's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Move suggested actions in the duplicate autocomment to the close banner

As so eloquently put by Shadow Wizard: There is already the "official" close banner appearing (for the OP only) on top of the question when there are pending close votes/flags - the ...
muru's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Post duplicate autocomments as the Community user

We have stopped showing to users who voted to close a question*, and yet for duplicates, we still advertise it with a (now brand new and even longer!) autocomment. We should start attributing these ...
muru's user avatar
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9 votes
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Use a different template for duplicate automatic comments for reposted questions by the same user

It happens every now and then that a user reposts their question - maybe they don't know how to edit, maybe the question was closed and they wanted to dodge the review queue, or maybe they didn't get ...
muru's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Is a new comment format for duplicate votes being tested?

I just cast a couple of duplicate votes on Ask Ubuntu and got this exceedingly verbose comment posted on my behalf: This question is similar to: ... If you believe it’s different, please edit the ...
muru's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Unable to edit the duplicate list

I have the javascript dupe hammer on SO. I closed Uploading image file to php server as a duplicate earlier today, and I was just trying to edit the duplicate list to add a more appropriate question. ...
Barmar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Should we do anything to promote useful answers on duplicate questions?

I previously asked this on Space Exploration Meta as Should we do anything for answers on duplicate questions?. The basic train of thought is as follows: A question was closed as a duplicate. During ...
Erin Anne's user avatar
  • 187
0 votes
1 answer

Flag as duplicate from another Stack Exchange site? [duplicate]

I recently noticed a question that was asked by the same user, the exact same content, at the same time (within minutes) across two Stack Exchange sites - Stack Overflow and Geographic Information ...
Mike Fiedler's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make my list of saved questions accessible during "duplicate close" dialogue? [duplicate]

It would be great to have access to ones saved questions in the "duplicate close" flow. Most of my saves are duplicate targets for questions that keep on getting asked somewhat frequently (I ...
Sursula's user avatar
  • 261
-6 votes
1 answer

Update/recreate question with unhelpful answers [duplicate]

I asked a question a couple of months ago: How to mitigate risk of having cash with you when abroad? The answers were unhelpful I added on a comment: "be street-smart" and similar ...
berdario's user avatar
  • 156
4 votes
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Possible bug with question deletion

I just tried casting a delete vote on a question. I was given an error because the question was a target of a duplicate closure. In addition, the question closed as a duplicate was later merged with ...
miken32's user avatar
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14 votes
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Implement {duplicate}, {closed} etc. tags as UI elements, rather than appending text [duplicate]

At this point, I am very much used to closed/duplicate questions being marked with [closed] or [duplicate] text in their title: But what exactly is stopping us from implementing it as an actual ...
Parzh from Ukraine's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What's the longest question duplicate chain on SE?

I wonder what the longest question duplicate chain is on SE. For example, Matching files with various extensions using for loop is closed a duplicate of Brace expansion with variable?, which is closed ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-21 votes
1 answer

Use AI like ChatGPT to find duplicate questions

I know ChatGPT is banned on Stack Exchange. But could an AI tool be used in automation? I mean most of the time I try to find if my question is a duplicate or not before asking the question, and I see ...
Luffy's user avatar
  • 1
15 votes
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When trying to specify a question on another site as a duplicate target, the error message displays incorrectly on sites with ampersands in their name

When flagging/VTCing a question as a dupe, and the link pasted into the box is from a different site, the error message looks like this: But on the 17 sites with ampersands in their titles (as well ...
CDR's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Could or should the "search first, ask question later" principle be made more prominently visible?

I'm relatively new (roughly a month), so please excuse any great misunderstandings. Presumptions / Impressions: (A) It may vary a bit per case or community, but in general, the approach seems to be ...
srn's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What should I do if a question I'm considering asking would be closed as a duplicate, but I don't understand the duplicate's answer?

To make this clear, I’m asking about a question that I would have that has already been answered but is still difficult to understand or confuses me. I have read this on duplicates, but I’m wondering ...
leguchi's user avatar
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1 vote
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No margins on closing as duplicate when link to the post is provided

There are no margins next to post score on "closing as duplicate" popup when direct link to the original post is provided. E.g.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Duplication by an old post with obsolete tag

There's an old and currently obsolete tag mobile-web (if used for non-chat questions). It so happened that current site behavior (responsive design) works the same as for an old mobile site. Should we ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to put alternative / synonym words (phrases) in questions?

Alternative question: When multiple known cases will match answer for your question, what's the best way to pack them in the question title (or body)? Additionally to this question itself, an example ...
halt9k's user avatar
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Rephrase text for possible duplicate with no answers

One more time I got a possible duplicate notice on my question. This time there's no answer on the suggested question: I know the duplicate mechanic on SE, but completely disagree with the current ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
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Badge suggestions: Finder, Hunter, and Detective [duplicate]

To encourage helpful dupe-finders (regardless of whether they can close vote or flag), I am thinking of the following badges: (bronze) Finder: Find a duplicate that gets the question closed as a dupe ...
mathlander's user avatar
8 votes
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Improve alignment when multiple duplicate suggestions are shown

When a question you asked is proposed (but not closed) as a duplicate, there's a box showing duplicate suggestions. A while ago, I noticed it looks a bit odd when multiple duplicates are shown: It ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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20 votes
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Access to save lists in the close as duplicate modal

Now that we have the option to create multiple save lists, can we have the option to show the content of said lists in the "Close as duplicate" modal dialog? I have a couple of questions ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Duplicate selection doesn't allow to pick an item without searching

When you are a mod or a gold-badge and you want to edit the list of duplicates, the standard model shows suggested questions. One cannot pick any of them and has to search for a suitable question ...
Dharman's user avatar
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"Delete this answered question?" dialog shows up but it's not my question

I just got shown the "Delete this answered question?" dialog for a question that isn't mine. I think (it's not easy to reproduce for testing) the circumstances that led to this were: Try to ...
miken32's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

"edit your question" link on author-only guidance on duplicate questions has wrong URL on sites other than Meta Stack Exchange

When a question is closed as duplicate, the post owner has their own guidance to edit their question. The guidance also include "edit your question" link. The link is supposed to redirect ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Improve the user experience for duplicate closures

Duplicates are one of the most important features of the entire Q&A system. They are the consequence of the decision to create a repository of knowledge and to try and increase the signal-to-noise ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why can't < 250 rep. people close their questions as duplicates?

I asked this question. Later, I found an answer to another question that answered my question. I was about to close the question as duplicate, but I realized that I didn't have the 250-rep privilege ...
Caleb Liu's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why doesn't the "Does this answer your question?" duplicate link include the user ID number?

It seems automatically generated comments such as this: Does this answer your question? Ramsey-Turan number don't include the user's ID number. As I understand, people can earn the "Announcer&...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
6 votes
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Questions self-closed as duplicates by their authors (auto-closed by Community) show an incorrectly worded notice; rephrase it to refer to author

When a question is closed as a duplicate, other users viewing the question will see a notice like below: Some community members have associated this post with a similar question. or, if it was ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
7 votes
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Repeatedly shown possible duplicate checkboxes on my question after dismissing it

My question currently has some duplicate votes, but I can't seem to get the message to go away and stay that way: A community member has suggested a similar question that may solve your problem. Does ...
Laurel's user avatar
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-11 votes
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Do not automatically redirect anonymous user from unanswered duplicate question to corresponding answered version

Duplicate questions that use different words to describe the same problem are important for people to find the content via search engines. But I doubt that search engines add redirecting pages to ...
anton_rh's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

API to programmatically close questions as duplicate with duplicate list

If you follow and/or curate a tag long enough, you'll probably notice that there's some questions that just get asked over and over. Usually these are confusing aspects of some commonly used feature ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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-48 votes
2 answers

Delete the "Close" feature (Especially for duplicates)

Today when I was asking a question on Stack Overflow, after I posted the question, I went to the restroom. After I came back, guess what? My post was closed, because it was a duplicate. At first, I ...
user avatar
-15 votes
2 answers

Are there any tricks to "bypass" duplicated question checking when asking on Stack OverFlow? [duplicate]

I've just started learning IT and ask questions on SO a lot. But I'm so tired of my questions being closed all the time due to duplicated reasons. They pointed me to some other question that was said ...
Quang Hoàng Minh's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Unable to edit duplicate lists from the first questions review queue, after closing a duplicate question

As a gold tag badge holder, I have the ability to unilaterally close questions (with those tags) as duplicates and, by extension, I also have the ability to edit the duplicate links on those questions....
Henry Ecker's user avatar
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-3 votes
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A duplicated question with bad writing and bad tagging but better answers [duplicate]

The first question was asked, with all possible tags, but received no long answers. A few months later, the second question was asked without address the first one. The second was poorly worded with ...
High GPA's user avatar
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How did these duplicate questions occur? [duplicate]

A user managed to post two copies of the question at the same time. Hi, I'm getting this error MySQLdb._exceptions.ProgrammingError: not enough arguments for format string Hi, I'm getting this ...
Barmar's user avatar
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1 vote
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Reverse lookup duplicate questions? [duplicate]

Is there a way to search for questions which have been marked as a duplicate of another specific question? I've been aware of a particular technical problem for some time. I know for sure that other ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
4 votes
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Add keyboard shortcut for editing the list of duplicates

Users with a gold badge in a tag are able to edit the list of duplicates for a question. There are no keyboard shortcuts defined for this. For example, a rather routine task is to close a question ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Posting Q & A, then closing the Q as duplicate?

I posted a question and answered it myself. I then self-closed this question as a dupe. Is this an accepted practice? I wanted the next person who steps on this rake to be able to quickly find the ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Wrong instructions in email about duplicate question

I just got another email because one of my questions was closed as a duplicate. The mail (screenshot) suggests me to Select the suggestions that answer your question. Your question will be associated ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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What to do with these accidental duplicate posts of feature-requests and bug reports, where the original hadn't been recently or at all addressed?

Based on some of my recent feature-requests and bug reports being closed as duplicates, helpful discussions with the community and reading through Why can a feature request or bug report without an ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Message shown to OP when their question is closed as a duplicate [duplicate]

Group keys into same object was closed as a duplicate. A few minutes later the OP opened an identical question Put the objects together given key with same value I closed that as a duplicate of the ...
Barmar's user avatar
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3 votes
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What can I do if I want to ask a more specific version of an earlier question on a Stack Exchange site?

To provide context, on the Law Stack Exchange, I'd like to be more specific than the question here: Are cheater plugs illegal in the USA? I'd like to know specifically if it's illegal to use currently-...
The Editor's user avatar
6 votes
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Duplicate question target doesn't have an upvoted or accepted answer, but the success notification still pops up when trying to associate

After Changes to "close as duplicate" it looks like you can't suggest a duplicate target, if that question doesn't have upvoted or accepted answer. Well I had question that looked like a ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
11 votes
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Blue close vote count wraps to two lines [duplicate]

I've got this issue on ruSO, but it probably happens on all SE sites. When closing a question as a duplicate, the number of votes already given for the same question wraps to two lines. As far as I ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mark as duplicate for an identical question that was answered outside Stack Overflow?

Sometimes the exact same question is asked verbatim in two different places, for example: On Stack Overflow and in MATLAB Central. The author has accepted the answer to the latter case, and I wanted ...
bla's user avatar
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Dissonance between allowing signposts and forbidding crossposts

I want to call out the dissonance between Stack Exchange favoring redundant content within one community and forbidding redundant content between multiple communities. How can we say that duplicate ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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