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Questions tagged [data-explorer]

For questions about the functionalities, queries, databases and datamodel of The Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). SEDE allows you to create and run queries against copies of the databases of popular Stack Exchange sites.

3 votes
1 answer

How can I find users with a specific number of earned/offered bounties?

How can I find users with a specific number of earned or/and offered bounties?
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How can you view the most upvoted comments on your posts (answers and questions)?

Is there a way to view the most upvoted comments from any of my answers or questions on Stack Overflow? There are two similar questions/answers: Search for my most upvoted comments and Can I view a ...
stevec's user avatar
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1 vote
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Find posts deleted by authors, that deleted their own account later

How can we find posts deleted by their author that deleted their own account later?
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Data Explorer throws server error when attempting to query Psychology & Neuroscience

The Stack Exchange Data Explorer lets you write SQL queries to find questions, answers, comments, users etc across the StackExchange network, but the query interface throws an error if I try to select ...
tripleee's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I find my OpenID identifier for logging in to SEDE?

In my previous post, all the login options at SEDE seem to be linked to the same URL which doesn't work. The last one I haven't tried is OpenID. But how can I find it?
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why isn't there any captcha asked when running a new query in SEDE?

When I tried to create a new query on, I didn't see any hint for me to work on CAPTCHA, so I just clicked Run Query, and the next page was https:/...
Tim's user avatar
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Login options in SEDE do not work

Clicking the login options such as Yahoo in doesn't work. Hovering ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between DisplayName and Id on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer Users table?

I am trying to pull a list of all users who have commented on an answer and tie it back to their User profile, if one exists. However, not all Comments table records have a UserId associated with them ...
William Ledbetter's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

The current SEDE refresh was delayed overnight

On Saturday, January 22nd, we had a failure on a backup share that won't be fully resolved until Monday. We've immediately re-routed backups to multiple secondary locations, so that concern has been ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
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5 votes
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Scrolling issues on

I am encountering a couple of scrollbar issues viewing the results table on I am using OS X 10.14.6 using both Firefox 108.0.2 and Chrome 108.0.5359.98: This happens only in ...
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

SEDE does something weird with URL parameters

Can somebody explain what happens in this SEDE query? It's a very simple one, apart from the use of a parameter: PRINT ('%href="##url##"%') but somehow SEDE decides to append part of its ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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What's the Data Explorer query to get the latest data that Stack Overflow Trends shows?

Stack Overflow Trends shows the percentage of questions with a certain tag. Here's an example for Java IDEs. On Jan 7, 2023, this link produces this graph: So VS Code is at 0.8%, and IntelliJ is ...
Karsten Silz's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I find unaccepted answers using the SEDE?

While researching my question, "Are there any questions for which multiple answers have received enlightened badges?", I've created a query that searches for questions with multiple accepted ...
SQB's user avatar
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7 votes
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The magic column [tagname] should handle number columns results gracefully

The magic column [tagname] will decorate and auto link tag names when used in a query. This feature relies on the JavaScript processing in the browser. The client-side script assumes it will always ...
rene's user avatar
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1 vote
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SEDE query to find progress on Four Ayes hat?

I've been working on a query to count the number of days a user's posts have had votes up, with no votes down on any day. But it seems like it's missing some posts. Users that have Four Ayes, do not ...
James Risner's user avatar
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