Linked Questions

14 votes
0 answers

Auto-removal of @name from comments makes the site less readable [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Don't remove the @ part of my comment A brief scan through similar questions here on Meta revealed that apparently SO staff regards the feature useful for removing noise. ...
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11 votes
0 answers

please don't delete @name in comments [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Don't remove the @ part of my comment I can't find out where this "feature" is documented, but I was in a comment thread in where I was ...
Jason S's user avatar
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Can't reply the old fashioned way in comments bug/feature where unambiguous [duplicate]

This is by design. "It's not a bug, it's a feature." What it is is a lack of interactive feedback. Now that there's this "shortcut", the comments text box no longer hovers the user's name as an ...
Axoren's user avatar
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681 votes
19 answers

Any way to send a personal message to another user?

There has been quite a few times that I wished I could send a message to another user on SO - not ask a question for everyone to see, but just a short message informing them of something or requesting ...
a_m0d's user avatar
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108 votes
10 answers

Should the community wiki police be shut down?

Read me first: What are “Community Wiki” posts on Stack Overflow? Some times I post things that are border line community wiki, like this question: Are there any C# open source log viewers? which ...
waffles's user avatar
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153 votes
4 answers

Tell the user who will be notified of a comment

Note 2011/09/20: Jeff's marked this status-completed. I (the person making the request) disagree that what's been done, which is actually an implementation of this other request, meets this request ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
17 votes
7 answers

Are recent changes in SO customer- or system-driven? [closed]

It seems to me that several of the newer features on Stack Exchange (automatically removing @replies in comments to the post owner when only one other commentator is involved, nagging about back and ...
tvanfosson's user avatar
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134 votes
1 answer

Eeeeek - what happened to my @ salutation?

I just posted a comment beginning with @username, and my @username part of the comment disappeared (it was the first word in the comment). Is there a lolcat inside the Stack Exchange database nomming ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
59 votes
3 answers

Can we add a "No Thanks" part to the FAQ?

SO's getting a bit silly now. Almost every hour I'm editing tags and thanks out of titles. If we're not going to have automatic warnings to users during question composition, can we at least add to ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How much value is there in editing poor English?

I was editing this question trying to just have it make sense, and I stopped because I think I fixed it enough and its actually kind of funny: ("I suffered for 15 days but I will run properly"). So ...
citizen conn's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

Micro-refinement to notifications for comments of others posts

If a user comments on their own post and there is only one person who has previously commented, then that person should be notified when the author comments even if '@user' is not specified courtesy ...
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39 votes
2 answers

Don't block comments with two @lerts if one of them is @postowner

Comments containing more than one @lert are blocked now unless they contain a backtick. In principle this is a good idea: it educates unexperienced users, while experienced users still have a ...
Hendrik Vogt's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Trogdor, your services are requested

Here is a list I've compiled of Meta-tags that could be burninated: close-votes tag-sets page-layout withdrawn users-page-2.0 user-tab wrong-answers-count voters-page bling top-buttons app-offline ...
M. Tibbits's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

When removing @lerts, remove full user name with spaces

In situations where an @lert is removed, if the commenting user included a full user name with spaces, only the leading portion of the @lert that doesn't contain any spaces is removed. For example, ...
Rick Sladkey's user avatar
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"Comments should be at least 15 characters in length" does not make clear @name might be excluded

I find the error message a bit misleading as it fails to explain that in this situation the @username isn't taken into account in the character count (since @username won't be displayed in the posted ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar

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