Linked Questions

3 votes
0 answers

Comment Time Limit Increased? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Please return the comment rate limit to a flat 30 seconds So it's now 15 seconds until you can post a new comment, I can accept that. Resetting the timer every time you hit ...
OMG Ponies's user avatar
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14 answers

Why are there no line numbers in the code listings?

Would it make discussing code easier if you could simply refer to a particular line or range, or am I wrong?
mrt181's user avatar
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124 votes
7 answers

Please make the multiple comment timer less annoying (non-resetting etc.)

As a little feature to prevent comment spam, you can only enter one comment every 15 seconds. That's a very reasonable limitation, since you very rarely have a good reason to write comments that ...
jdm's user avatar
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3 answers

Can we implement temporary automatic comment ban on 'x' number of validated rude comment flags?

There's been problems with abusive comments since the site started. What's with all the rude comments recently? We still haven't managed to conquer the issue. Negative comments drive new users ...
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25 votes
7 answers

Why are there so many high-voted requests with status-declined?

I thought the SO web sites were essentially governed according to the communities needs and wants. Sure doesn't feel like it sometimes. Wasn't it Jeff that said "We don't run StackOverflow... you do!...
L. Cornelius Dol's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

If I can't comment for 30 more seconds, why is the Add Comment button enabled?

You know that exhibit that you'd see at the children's science museum? It's a roundish podium thing and you'd press a button. This would start a clock. You were supposed to estimate when a minute ...
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4 votes
3 answers

"Only 1 comment allowed per 15 seconds; timer reset." is not working [closed]

When the popup "Only 1 comment allowed per 15 seconds; timer reset." appears it is not living up to its claim. It does not allow me to comment after 15 secs. Is it bug or feature?
Tree's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

Really Long Comment Wait Time?

Possible Duplicate: Please return the comment rate limit to a flat 30 seconds If I can’t comment for 30 more seconds, why is the Add Comment button enabled? So, I go to comment on someones answer,...
Tyler Carter's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

"You may only fetch vote counts once every second" is really set for 30 seconds

When you click to fetch vote counts too quickly you get the message "You may only fetch vote counts once every second". You actually have to wait 30 seconds before you can fetch another count. (Note ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How about "you may only submit 2 comment votes every 10 seconds"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can we get x comment votes per x minutes, rather than one vote per 5 seconds? When reading a list of comments, it is common for me to decide what I will vote up, before I ...
700 Software's user avatar
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The comment section gets partially overlapped on downvoted and accepted answers [duplicate]

The below image shows what I am talking about (question direct link)
Justine Krejcha's user avatar