Linked Questions

12 votes
6 answers

Why is it accepted practice to downvote questions needing migration? [duplicate]

Every day, people post questions on Stack Overflow that need migration to SF, SU, or meta (which, by the way, sucks since a lot of those people don't have access to SU yet). People seem to have a ...
Hooked's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Down-voting questions that belong elsewhere. Do or don't? [duplicate]

I frequently see questions on that belong on Superuser or here on Meta. Prior to being moved or migrated, they are frequently down-voted. Should they be down-voted for such a ...
JYelton's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Downvotes should be cleared on move [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Reset post score to 0 on migration In my experience, most moved items wind up with a few downvotes before they're moved, almost always due to it having been posted in the ...
ceejayoz's user avatar
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16 votes
0 answers

Reset negative vote counts on migrated questions [duplicate]

Often a question is voted down by a member of a site because the question doesn't belong on that site and the voter doesn't have enough reputation to vote to close the question. In situations like ...
tvanfosson's user avatar
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810 votes
15 answers

Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

This is an unofficial list/changelog of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, while a Stack Exchange employee changes ...
258 votes
15 answers

Reset votes on migrated questions

All votes should be reset when a question is migrated. That's votes on the question, in both directions, as well as votes on any answer. At the moment, downvotes are cleared from the question. Yes, it ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Revert the Community downvote on a closed question when it gets reopened [closed]

We have this relatively new feature where a question that gets closed as "not a real question" or "off topic" (not migrated) receives a downvote from the Community user. Sometimes the poster comes ...
David Z's user avatar
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-10 votes
2 answers

Downvote for off topic after migration [duplicate]

I posted a question on Home Improvement, then it is migrated to Super User and get downvoted due to off topic there. It's my fault to be off topic on HI but not on SU. HI rep should change but not SU. ...
jw_'s user avatar
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-13 votes
1 answer

Too many people are using Stack Overflow [closed]

I find myself doing this too sometimes. Looking at the posts, it is obvious that Stack Overflow has the most posters; therefore, it is your best bet at getting a quick answer. Site ...
puk's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a limit to how low a question/answer can be scored?

I saw a really bad answer to a question on StackOverflow the other day with many downvotes. I've just been wondering if there is a defined limit to how low a question's score can go.
Vivian River's user avatar
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-10 votes
1 answer

Reset question score partly upon re-opening and staying open

I mostly write from a perspective of but the idea is general. Question that get closed typically also accrue downvotes, the score is mostly negative. A small part of these questions ...
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Reopening a question after a long time: is the reputation still restored?

An off topic question appeared on the Linguistics site. The right proposal is still in the "follow it" phase so I can't migrate it yet. I was closing it, but I thought that the off topic close reason ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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-14 votes
2 answers

Feature request: Vote to clear the score (reset upvotes + downvotes to 0)

I would like to propose a new mechanism to help demote and occasionally remove stale content from the site. There are two important cases where this is currently a problem: Poor questions by new ...
tripleee's user avatar
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