
As far as know, less than 200 people have a Strunk & White badge here on Meta.

  1. Why there's so few people eligible for this?

  2. Feature-request, is editing 80 posts too hard? Can we reduce this to 50?

  3. What is the best (fast but contributive) way to get the Strunk & White badge?

  • 3
    Few people have it here on Meta because most people use this site as a tool for posting feedback rather than participating in content curation. The real question is not whether it's hard for people to try and earn it - it's whether they're actually willing to do so. Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 11:55
  • 5
    1. Because not enough people have edited enough posts. Literally all there is to it. 2. Not hard. Just not common, I guess. Why should it be 50? 3. Make edits.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 11:56
  • 1
    On Super User, which has a bit less traffic than this site, around 350 people (twice as many) have the badge. Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 12:02
  • 1
    "fast but contributive" without full editing privilege on 2k, it will always be slow because users are limited to a maximum of 5 suggested edits at a time. Otherwise, 100+ rep users can probably just spam-edit any posts on Formatting Sandbox... On the other hand, there are only 1300+ users with 2k+ reps here, so more than 10% is big enough, I guess. Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 12:55

1 Answer 1

  1. Educated guess: here on Meta we have a small number of regulars who actively curate most content on the site. Perhaps that leaves less room for others to do so, and hence not many users have the badge. I haven't checked how Meta compares to other sites of the same size; that might not even be helpful since Meta is so different from the other sites.

  2. The criteria for editing badges (bronze: 1 edit, silver: 80 edits, gold: 500 edits) are a nice mirror of those for flagging badges; both groups are part of the Moderation badges. Some badges being harder to earn than others is not a good reason to break this symmetry; Archaeologist is by definition harder to earn than Strunk & White.

  3. Make good, significant edits, preferably to active posts. Since you don't have edit privileges yet your edits will enter the Suggested Edits review queue, so make them count. As a bonus, you get +2 reputation from each approved edit. You have been member for 4.5 years, but no activity yet; there is enough traffic here every day to help improve the content of a couple of posts.


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