This is mainly for SEDE use.

I know the basic VoteTypeIds, like 1 for accept, 2 for upvote, and 3 for downvote. There are also some other less well-known ones like 11 for undelete.

Is there a complete list somewhere I can refer to?


1 Answer 1


You can run the SELECT id, name FROM VoteTypes on the Data Explorer: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/102390/vote-types

The results:

Id | Name
-- | ----------------------
1  | AcceptedByOriginator
2  | UpMod
3  | DownMod
4  | Offensive
5  | Favorite
6  | Close
7  | Reopen
8  | BountyStart
9  | BountyClose
10 | Deletion
11 | Undeletion
12 | Spam
15 | ModeratorReview
16 | ApproveEditSuggestion
  • 10
    I wonder what happened to 13 and 14.
    – nneonneo
    Commented Mar 10, 2013 at 12:32

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