The code syntax highlighting feature is only enabled on certain sites. In order for code to be highlighted and for any of the hints listed in the above question to work, the Markdown extension has to be enabled on the site where one's posting code.

  • Which sites have this enabled?
  • How do I request that it be enabled on [site X]?

1 Answer 1


Which Stack Exchange sites have syntax highlighting enabled?

The syntax highlighting feature is enabled on the following sites:

  1. Arduino
  2. Arduino Meta
  3. Ask Different
  4. Ask Ubuntu
  5. Bioinformatics
  6. Bioinformatics Meta
  7. Bitcoin
  8. Blender
  9. CS50
  10. CS50 Meta
  11. Cardano
  12. Cardano Meta
  13. Chemistry
  14. Chemistry Meta
  15. Code Golf
  16. Code Golf Meta
  17. Code Review
  18. Computational Science
  19. Computer Graphics
  20. Computer Graphics Meta
  21. Computer Science
  22. Computer Science Educators
  23. Computer Science Educators Meta
  24. Computer Science Meta
  25. Craft CMS
  26. Craft CMS Meta
  27. Cross Validated
  28. Data Science
  29. Data Science Meta
  30. Database Administrators
  31. DevOps
  32. DevOps Meta
  33. Drupal Answers
  34. EOS.IO
  35. EOS.IO Meta
  36. Electrical Engineering
  37. Emacs
  38. Emacs Meta
  39. Ethereum
  40. Ethereum Meta
  41. Game Development
  42. Geographic Information Systems
  43. Graphic Design
  44. Graphic Design Meta
  45. Internet of Things
  46. Internet of Things Meta
  47. Magento
  48. Magento Meta
  49. Mathematica
  50. Matter Modeling
  51. Meta Stack Exchange
  52. Meta Stack Overflow
  53. Meta Super User
  54. Operations Research
  55. Operations Research Meta
  56. Programming Language Design and Implementation
  57. Programming Language Design and Implementation Meta
  58. Proof Assistants
  59. Quantitative Finance
  60. Quantitative Finance Meta
  61. Quantum Computing
  62. Quantum Computing Meta
  63. Raspberry Pi
  64. Raspberry Pi Meta
  65. Reverse Engineering
  66. Reverse Engineering Meta
  67. Robotics
  68. Salesforce
  69. Salesforce Meta
  70. Server Fault
  71. SharePoint
  72. Signal Processing
  73. Signal Processing Meta
  74. Sitecore
  75. Sitecore Meta
  76. Software Engineering
  77. Software Quality Assurance & Testing
  78. Software Quality Assurance & Testing Meta
  79. Solana
  80. Stack Apps
  81. Stack Overflow
  82. Stack Overflow Meta en español
  83. Stack Overflow em Português
  84. Stack Overflow em Português Meta
  85. Stack Overflow en español
  86. Stack Overflow на русском
  87. Stack Overflow на русском Meta
  88. Stellar
  89. Stellar Meta
  90. Substrate and Polkadot
  91. Super User
  92. TeX - LaTeX
  93. TeX - LaTeX Meta
  94. Tridion
  95. Unix & Linux
  96. Vi and Vim
  97. Video Production
  98. Video Production Meta
  99. Webmasters
  100. Webmasters Meta
  101. WordPress Development
  102. スタック・オーバーフロー
  103. スタック・オーバーフローMeta

Note that the above list consists of per-site metas as well, as there are some sites where it's enabled on the main site but not on the corresponding per-site meta. The above list was last updated 2024-04-26; if it becomes outdated, please copy the Markdown generated by the below code snippet and replace the above list with that, and then update the date here.

The following code snippet fetches the list of sites with syntax highlighting enabled.

$.get('https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/sites?pagesize=500&filter=!*L6SiaRiUSk*Z2zr', function(data) {
    var i,
        $result = $('#result'),
        $md = $('#md'),
        sites = [],
        specials = {
          biology : { mhchem: true},
          chemistry: {mhchem: true },
          earthscience: {mhchem: true },
          electricalengineering: {delim: true},
          codereview: {delim: true}
     for(i=0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
       if (data.items[i].markdown_extensions &&
           data.items[i].markdown_extensions.indexOf('Prettify')>-1) //Even after the changeover to Highlight.js, the Markdown extension is still called "Prettify"
    sites.sort(function(l,r) { return l.name<r.name?-1:1; });
    for(i = 0; i < sites.length; i = i + 1) {
           $('<pre></pre>').html('1. [' + sites[i].name+'](' + sites[i].site_url.substr(sites[i].site_url.indexOf(':') + 1) + ')')
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ol id="result">

<div id="md">

The above snippet was originally written by rene here for fetching the list of sites with MathJax enabled, and later modified with the help of user315433 in chat to support fetching the list of sites with syntax highlighting enabled.

How do I request that syntax highlighting be enabled on [site X]?

Normally, syntax highlighting will be enabled by staff when newly creating the site, based on the scope of the site's Area 51 proposal and how strongly it is focused on programming. If it's not enabled on a given site, you can post a request on the per-site meta tagged to have it enabled in the following cases:

  • The site topic is primarily focused on programming, but syntax highlighting wasn't enabled due to oversight.

  • The site topic isn't primarily focused on programming, but the site could substantially benefit from one or more particular flavors of syntax highlighting. In this case, link to some (10 or so) posts where highlighting would be helpful in your request.

  • Syntax highlighting is enabled on a main site but not on its per-site meta, and you feel it's useful to have enabled on the meta site. In this case, ensure your request has the tag and clearly explains that it's asking about the meta site.

If there is community consensus in support of such a request, a site moderator can add the tag to the meta post to escalate it for staff attention. SE staff will then evaluate the request and let you know the result.

  • 1
    @Slate When you update the post per the script, can you please also update the date the post was updated? Commented Aug 22, 2022 at 19:01
  • 2
    Sure, thanks. Missed that.
    – Slate StaffMod
    Commented Aug 22, 2022 at 19:02
  • Is it possible to update syntax highlighting in Ask Ubuntu? Highlight for nginx is not working, while in Stack Overflow it does. There's a similar question on Meta about that here Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 19:32

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