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Yaakov Ellis
  • 63.4k
  • 25
  • 280
  • 325
Notice removed Authoritative reference needed by YuiTo Cheng
Bounty Ended with Manishearth's answer chosen by YuiTo Cheng
Notice added Authoritative reference needed by YuiTo Cheng
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by YuiTo Cheng
edited tags
Yaakov Ellis
  • 63.4k
  • 25
  • 280
  • 325
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edited tags
Tinkeringbell Mod
  • 40.3k
  • 13
  • 68
  • 180
Notice removed Authoritative reference needed by Picachieu
Bounty Ended with JonK's answer chosen by Picachieu
Notice added Authoritative reference needed by Picachieu
Bounty Started worth 100 reputation by Picachieu
Notice removed Draw attention by Picachieu
Bounty Ended with Wrzlprmft's answer chosen by Picachieu
Notice added Draw attention by Picachieu
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Picachieu
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Shadow Wizard
  • 172.9k
  • 32
  • 427
  • 844
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Notice removed Draw attention by Wrzlprmft
Bounty Ended with Anthony Pham's answer chosen by Wrzlprmft
Notice added Draw attention by Wrzlprmft
Bounty Started worth 100 reputation by Wrzlprmft
Notice removed Canonical answer required by Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
Bounty Ended with ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's answer chosen by Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'