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I'm worried that "too hard to parse" is going to be very subjective. Beginners are often baffled by even simple manuals such as the PHP documentation.

Yes, it's a big problem, and we should be looking at ways to address it, but the flaw with this one is that there's no easy way to objectively draw a line that everyone can agree on where a question is easy to dismiss as too simple, and others are kept as appropriate for the site.

It's difficult for experts to divorce themselves from their knowledge and cast themselves as a beginner. If you give them the tool that essentially closes the question with a big RTFM (and a link) then you're going to end up with scads of questions being closed because the "too hard to parse" part of the flowchart is simply not going to pass many questions for experts. It won't just be the simple questions getting closed, it'll be the, "I can't figure out the problem I'm having with the STL vector class..." which will get a big RTFM to some obtuse-to-newbies STL reference.

Post Made Community Wiki by Pollyanna