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Apparently there's a second way to interpret this heading, which came up today: "does [my main site ban] apply to the meta site too"
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Does this apply toCan I get banned on meta sites too?

Does this apply to meta sites too?

Can I get banned on meta sites too?

users can now see all their deleted posts (ref:;
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Meta Andrew T.
  • 12.5k
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Beware that an account might very well have many deleted posts, including auto-deleted old low-score questions, all of which are only visible to moderators.

Note the emphasis on fixing. Do not delete your posts. As explained above, negative marks on deleted posts do still count towards the question ban, and the fact that they are deleted can also count against you (with the exception of questions that are 30 days or older when deleted). Deleting your posts does not help to lift the ban. Only fixing does! You can see a list of your own deleted questions and answers that were deleted in the last 60 days; to find posts deleted prior to that time, ask a moderator on the per-site meta or in the site's chat.

Beware that an account might very well have many deleted posts, including auto-deleted old low-score questions, all of which are only visible to moderators.

Note the emphasis on fixing. Do not delete your posts. As explained above, negative marks on deleted posts do still count towards the question ban, and the fact that they are deleted can also count against you (with the exception of questions that are 30 days or older when deleted). Deleting your posts does not help to lift the ban. Only fixing does! You can see a list of your own deleted questions and answers that were deleted in the last 60 days; to find posts deleted prior to that time, ask a moderator on the per-site meta or in the site's chat.

Beware that an account might very well have many deleted posts, including auto-deleted old low-score questions.

Note the emphasis on fixing. Do not delete your posts. As explained above, negative marks on deleted posts do still count towards the question ban, and the fact that they are deleted can also count against you (with the exception of questions that are 30 days or older when deleted). Deleting your posts does not help to lift the ban. Only fixing does! You can see a list of your own deleted questions and answers.

added 123 characters in body
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Yes. However, on Meta Stack Exchange, the threshold of votes in the question ban calculation is reduced because on meta sites, downvotes are often used to indicate disagreement rather than bad quality. Do note that if you do continue to makepost bad-quality postsquestions, your account may be manually suspended by a moderator.

On per-site metas, the automatic ban threshold is the same as on main Q&A sites. Additionally, the thresholds for answer bans are the same on all main and meta sites, including Meta Stack Exchange.

Yes. However, on Meta Stack Exchange, the threshold of votes in the question ban calculation is reduced because on meta sites, downvotes are often used to indicate disagreement rather than bad quality. Do note that if you do continue to make bad-quality posts, your account may be manually suspended by a moderator.

On per-site metas, the automatic ban threshold is the same as on main Q&A sites.

Yes. However, on Meta Stack Exchange, the threshold of votes in the question ban calculation is reduced because on meta sites, downvotes are often used to indicate disagreement rather than bad quality. Do note that if you do continue to post bad-quality questions, your account may be manually suspended by a moderator.

On per-site metas, the automatic ban threshold is the same as on main Q&A sites. Additionally, the thresholds for answer bans are the same on all main and meta sites, including Meta Stack Exchange.

added 350 characters in body
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Rollback to Revision 55 - Encourages IP hopping to evade bans
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added 19 characters in body
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  • 6.8k
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replaced with
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added 737 characters in body
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Remove the double typing of "users".
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  • 1.7k
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Commonmark migration
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Add explicit note that it doesn't apply to answers
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Clarify the 6-month rule
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animuson StaffMod
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redirect "lower level than account" URL to Jeff comment.
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added 77 characters in body; added 27 characters in body
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added 530 characters in body
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added 249 characters in body
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added 228 characters in body
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Cody Gray - on strike
  • 64.1k
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Finally, due to recent feature changes, I can finally edit this! (Edited to restore new paragraph
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deleted 26 characters in body
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Journeyman Geek
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added 244 characters in body
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Journeyman Geek
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added 101 characters in body
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added 262 characters in body
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replaced with
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replaced with
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added 376 characters in body
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