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"guys" or "folks", in any case it's noise
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Rand al'Thor
  • 33.4k
  • 12
  • 62
  • 130

Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry folks, 10k10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry folks, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


added 1 character in body
Source Link
balpha StaffMod
  • 155.2k
  • 44
  • 493
  • 663

Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry guysfolks, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry guys, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry folks, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


added image captions (for accessibility)
Source Link
  • 1.5k
  • 8
  • 29

Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry guys, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Screenshot for <10K users
Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.))

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry guys, 10k only. Screenshot for <10K users)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


Meme: Eeeek!

Originator: Marti

First Seen: 4 Mar. 2011 ~ Eeeek what happened to my envelope? (sorry guys, 10k only). Screenshot for <10K users:

Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?
The envelope is gone from next to my name! How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page!
Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page
• The recent page has just the information I'm interested in, front and center. The graph hides the
list of recent rep changes at the bottom of the page, below a bunch of noise, and it only shows the time period I'm interested in if it feels like it and/or I beg and plead.
• Not to mention, if the time period I'm interested in does not happen to coincide with a UTC
calendar day, I'm SOL.
• The recent page also includes comments that are new to me. With this new setup, that's in an
entirely different place (Responses tab of profile), at least 3 clicks away from the main page. (And a bunch of scrolling followed by a click away from the rep changes, if I've finally gotten them to show.)
• The recent page showed me only the things that were new to me, and all of the things that were new to me. On the Responses tab, I have to remember which activity I've already seen, but that's still better than the rep graph, on which it is completely impossible to see where those most recent reputation changes came from, because 1 whole day is as fine-grained as it gets.
• Being able to sort the rep changes by timestamp instead of grouping them would only be a
partial fix: there's still the issue of 1-UTC-calendar-day-increments, and again, I'd have to remember where I was last.
Edit 2: The MicroDashboard totally misses the point. The most useful feature of the /recent page is that it remembers where you were. Unless you tell it otherwise, it only shows the newest changes, the ones you haven't seen yet. Even the new graphless reputation page doesn't do that.
(Take the bug tag off all you want, that doesn't change the fact that something that used to work now no longer does.)

Cultural Height: Probably still to be reached, given the increase of developers working for Stack Exchange. Although see comments here for first signs of possible decline (2 weeks after first appearance).

Definition: Stack Overflow developers like to change things, just for the heck of it. This can be shocking for users, who find their site suddenly different in some way. Cherished envelopes go missing, then cherished posts complaining about cherished envelopes going missing go missing, then posts complaining about the missing posts go missing (sometimes before they're even given time to be cherished!).

The inevitable response to this shock is a high-pitched squeal, aptly captured in the title prefix, "Eeek!" (See FAQ section for proper spelling.)

Origin: Once upon a time Stack Exchange 2.0 supported a site-specific notification system to find all the things that had happened to your account since the last time you logged in to that one site. It was supposedly horrid and lots of people hated it. The SEI staff removed it so they could implement a new feature. People FREAKED OUT. I'm pretty sure that when Vesuvius blew that the people took it less hard than the users on Stack Exchange 2.0 sites freaked out over this new change.

Since then, several other topics have been raised with similar titles and topics.


replaced with
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replaced with
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Updated the link
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  • 33.6k
  • 10
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Fixup of bad MSO links to MSE links migration
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Fixup of bad MSO links to MSE links migration
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Migration of MSO links to MSE links
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added 65 characters in body
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Shadow Wizard
  • 171.7k
  • 32
  • 424
  • 840
Source Link
added FAQ
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  • 658
  • 1
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edited "meme" section to conform with format of other memes
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  • 5.8k
  • 26
  • 34
Rollback to Revision 9
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  • 17.4k
  • 8
  • 45
  • 80
for jpmiaou I would like to say that you must not have been here very long if you've never heard anyone who despised the envelope at some point.
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  • 17.4k
  • 8
  • 45
  • 80
Rollback to Revision 1
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  • 658
  • 1
  • 7
  • 19
Edited origin for NNPOV
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  • 450.8k
  • 201
  • 1.3k
  • 1.9k
given how I haven't heard of anyone who hated the envelope, the statements about it needed some tweaking.; added 36 characters in body
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  • 101
  • 2
Tweak links
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  • 450.8k
  • 201
  • 1.3k
  • 1.9k
added 198 characters in body
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  • 17.4k
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added 63 characters in body
Source Link
  • 7.5k
  • 1
  • 24
  • 44
added 1 characters in body
Source Link
  • 450.8k
  • 201
  • 1.3k
  • 1.9k
Edited origin for NPOV; added 18 characters in body
Source Link
  • 450.8k
  • 201
  • 1.3k
  • 1.9k
Source Link
  • 17.4k
  • 8
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  • 80
Post Made Community Wiki