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Good riddance!

I can't be the only one who loves the Stack Exchange network because of its focus on questions and answers instead of the traditional forum or mailing list that invariably end up with a small clickclique of users who keep butting in on every thread without much to say except they have nothing better to do.

If I remember correctly, that was also one of the initial goals or tool to drive up the signal to noise ratio - reduceto-noise ratio—reduce the social networking to the minimum necessary level. There should not be a community, there's nocommunity; there isn't any need for one!

Good riddance!

I can't be the only one who loves the Stack Exchange network because of its focus on questions and answers instead of the traditional forum or mailing list that invariably end up with a small click of users who keep butting in on every thread without much to say except they have nothing better to do.

If I remember correctly, that was also one of the initial goals or tool to drive up the signal to noise ratio - reduce the social networking to the minimum necessary level. There should not be a community, there's no need for one!

Good riddance!

I can't be the only one who loves the Stack Exchange network because of its focus on questions and answers instead of the traditional forum or mailing list that invariably end up with a small clique of users who keep butting in on every thread without much to say except they have nothing better to do.

If I remember correctly, that was also one of the initial goals or tool to drive up the signal-to-noise ratio—reduce the social networking to the minimum necessary level. There should not be a community; there isn't any need for one!

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  • 825
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Good riddance!

I can't be the only one who loves the Stack Exchange network because of its focus on questions and answers instead of the traditional forum or mailing list that invariably end up with a small click of users who keep butting in on every thread without much to say except they have nothing better to do.

If I remember correctly, that was also one of the initial goals or tool to drive up the signal to noise ratio - reduce the social networking to the minimum necessary level. There should not be a community, there's no need for one!