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Help Officer

Many discussions on Meta are most interesting, and some provide details that the Help Center doesn't mention. A Help Officer would be a person that keeps up with the thousands of pages on Meta, looking for those things that really should be in the Help Center.

I could imagine this to require some priviledged interaction with management and access to some special extracting/editing tools. And why not make it rewarding, other than just the title...

The Help Officer could be put in charge of organizing polls on Meta where a vote can be cast based on a short one-line proposal.

Help Officer

Many discussions on Meta are most interesting, and some provide details that the Help Center doesn't mention. A Help Officer would be a person that keeps up with the thousands of pages on Meta, looking for those things that really should be in the Help Center.

I could imagine this to require some priviledged interaction with management and access to some special extracting/editing tools. And why not make it rewarding, other than just the title...

Help Officer

Many discussions on Meta are most interesting, and some provide details that the Help Center doesn't mention. A Help Officer would be a person that keeps up with the thousands of pages on Meta, looking for those things that really should be in the Help Center.

I could imagine this to require some priviledged interaction with management and access to some special extracting/editing tools. And why not make it rewarding, other than just the title...

The Help Officer could be put in charge of organizing polls on Meta where a vote can be cast based on a short one-line proposal.

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Help Officer

Many discussions on Meta are most interesting, and some provide details that the Help Center doesn't mention. A Help Officer would be a person that keeps up with the thousands of pages on Meta, looking for those things that really should be in the Help Center.

I could imagine this to require some priviledged interaction with management and access to some special extracting/editing tools. And why not make it rewarding, other than just the title...