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Yaakov Ellis
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One further improvement to the list formatting
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  1. “Significant edit” option

    Post edit screen with significant edit option

    • This feature appears when editing a closed question and allows editors to indicate if they’re making a minor edit (i.e. grammar, spelling) or a significant edit. By submitting an edit for review, the editor agrees that their edit attempts to resolve the question’s close reason(s) and should be considered for reopening in the Reopen votes queue.

    • Once a significant edit has been submitted, editors are still able to return to the edit screen and make further adjustments. Significant edit status will also be indicated in both revision history and post timeline pages.

    Post edit screen with significant edit submitted

  2. Significant edits in the Suggested edits queue

    • Users who do not have enough reputation to submit an edit outright will have their significant edits go into the Suggested edits queue accompanied by a post notice.

    Significant edit in Suggested edits queue post notice

    • Actions in the Suggested edits queue will change based on whether the edit has been flagged as a Significant edit. In the case of a Significant edit, reviewers will be able to Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed.
    • It takes two approve votes (any combination of Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed) to remove the task out of the Suggested Edits queue. If at least one of the votes is Approve and reopen, a new task will be created in the Reopen votes queue.
  3. Leave closed reasons

    • If a Reopen votes reviewer elects to leave a question closed, the reviewer will be presented with a “Leave closed reason” modal (similar to the close reason modal) that will return feedback to the editors. For example, if a question was originally closed because it lacked details, it may still require further details even after an edit, or new issues with the question might present themselves like asking too many questions at once.

    Reasons to leave a question closed appear in modal

    • In addition to inbox notifications, the closed question’s post notice will also be updated with more information.

    Post notice updated with new close reason

  4. Multiple opportunities to send question for review

    • We’ll be launching this feature without any limits – users will be able to submit multiple edits on individual posts. We’ll take a look at the data in a few weeks to see if any abuse of the feature has occurred and take mitigation steps as needed.

      We’ll be launching this feature without any limits – users will be able to submit multiple edits on individual posts. We’ll take a look at the data in a few weeks to see if any abuse of the feature has occurred and take mitigation steps as needed.

    • [Stack Overflow only] Reviewers will not see 1) posts that they’ve voted to reopen since last closed and 2) voted to close since the post was last edited. Moderators are exempt from this restriction.

      [Stack Overflow only] Reviewers will not see posts that

      1. they’ve voted to reopen since last closed, and
      2. voted to close since the post was last edited.

      Moderators are exempt from this restriction.

  5. Bug fix: “Don't cause the reopen vote of the user, whose edit pushed the closed question into the reopen queue, to invalidate the review”

    This bug fix is also included as part of this release. You can read Kyle’s detailed response here.

  1. “Significant edit” option

    Post edit screen with significant edit option

    • This feature appears when editing a closed question and allows editors to indicate if they’re making a minor edit (i.e. grammar, spelling) or a significant edit. By submitting an edit for review, the editor agrees that their edit attempts to resolve the question’s close reason(s) and should be considered for reopening in the Reopen votes queue.

    • Once a significant edit has been submitted, editors are still able to return to the edit screen and make further adjustments. Significant edit status will also be indicated in both revision history and post timeline pages.

    Post edit screen with significant edit submitted

  2. Significant edits in the Suggested edits queue

    • Users who do not have enough reputation to submit an edit outright will have their significant edits go into the Suggested edits queue accompanied by a post notice.

    Significant edit in Suggested edits queue post notice

    • Actions in the Suggested edits queue will change based on whether the edit has been flagged as a Significant edit. In the case of a Significant edit, reviewers will be able to Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed.
    • It takes two approve votes (any combination of Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed) to remove the task out of the Suggested Edits queue. If at least one of the votes is Approve and reopen, a new task will be created in the Reopen votes queue.
  3. Leave closed reasons

    • If a Reopen votes reviewer elects to leave a question closed, the reviewer will be presented with a “Leave closed reason” modal (similar to the close reason modal) that will return feedback to the editors. For example, if a question was originally closed because it lacked details, it may still require further details even after an edit, or new issues with the question might present themselves like asking too many questions at once.

    Reasons to leave a question closed appear in modal

    • In addition to inbox notifications, the closed question’s post notice will also be updated with more information.

    Post notice updated with new close reason

  4. Multiple opportunities to send question for review

    • We’ll be launching this feature without any limits – users will be able to submit multiple edits on individual posts. We’ll take a look at the data in a few weeks to see if any abuse of the feature has occurred and take mitigation steps as needed.
    • [Stack Overflow only] Reviewers will not see 1) posts that they’ve voted to reopen since last closed and 2) voted to close since the post was last edited. Moderators are exempt from this restriction.
  5. Bug fix: “Don't cause the reopen vote of the user, whose edit pushed the closed question into the reopen queue, to invalidate the review”

    This bug fix is also included as part of this release. You can read Kyle’s detailed response here.

  1. “Significant edit” option

    Post edit screen with significant edit option

    • This feature appears when editing a closed question and allows editors to indicate if they’re making a minor edit (i.e. grammar, spelling) or a significant edit. By submitting an edit for review, the editor agrees that their edit attempts to resolve the question’s close reason(s) and should be considered for reopening in the Reopen votes queue.

    • Once a significant edit has been submitted, editors are still able to return to the edit screen and make further adjustments. Significant edit status will also be indicated in both revision history and post timeline pages.

    Post edit screen with significant edit submitted

  2. Significant edits in the Suggested edits queue

    • Users who do not have enough reputation to submit an edit outright will have their significant edits go into the Suggested edits queue accompanied by a post notice.

    Significant edit in Suggested edits queue post notice

    • Actions in the Suggested edits queue will change based on whether the edit has been flagged as a Significant edit. In the case of a Significant edit, reviewers will be able to Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed.
    • It takes two approve votes (any combination of Approve and reopen or Approve and leave closed) to remove the task out of the Suggested Edits queue. If at least one of the votes is Approve and reopen, a new task will be created in the Reopen votes queue.
  3. Leave closed reasons

    • If a Reopen votes reviewer elects to leave a question closed, the reviewer will be presented with a “Leave closed reason” modal (similar to the close reason modal) that will return feedback to the editors. For example, if a question was originally closed because it lacked details, it may still require further details even after an edit, or new issues with the question might present themselves like asking too many questions at once.

    Reasons to leave a question closed appear in modal

    • In addition to inbox notifications, the closed question’s post notice will also be updated with more information.

    Post notice updated with new close reason

  4. Multiple opportunities to send question for review

    • We’ll be launching this feature without any limits – users will be able to submit multiple edits on individual posts. We’ll take a look at the data in a few weeks to see if any abuse of the feature has occurred and take mitigation steps as needed.

    • [Stack Overflow only] Reviewers will not see posts that

      1. they’ve voted to reopen since last closed, and
      2. voted to close since the post was last edited.

      Moderators are exempt from this restriction.

  5. Bug fix: “Don't cause the reopen vote of the user, whose edit pushed the closed question into the reopen queue, to invalidate the review”

    This bug fix is also included as part of this release. You can read Kyle’s detailed response here.

fixing list formatting so elements' organization is recognized properly
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  • 8.3k
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Lisa Park
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