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Comment formatting

Uh... you know this isn't a comment, right?

Comment formatting

Uh... you know this isn't a comment, right?

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Everything from the help page

Code and Preformatted Text

four spaces code
code fence
another code fence

Code spans

code span code span with a `backtick` in it


Another line

Italics and Bold

bold italic bold and italic


This is a link
This is too
And so is this
Hover over me!

Bare URLs


This is a header

This is a subheader

This is a subsubheader

This is a subsubsubheader (normal text)

This is an alternate header

This is an alternate subheader

Horizontal Rules

Simple lists

  • Bullet point
  • Another bullet point
  • Another bullet point
  1. Point 1
  2. Point 2
  3. Tried to make this point 15 but the system knows better
  • You can also make double-spaced lists

  • Like this

Advanced lists: Nesting

You may edit this to add more things inside this gigantic nested list

  1. This is a list
    • This is something inside that list
      1. Another thing inside that list
        1. Continuing to nest...
          • How deep can this go?
            1. Oh no
              • This is going on...
                • ... and on...
                  1. ... and on!
            2. There are now 2 branches!
              • Here's something inside that
                1. Hey, this is fun!
                  • If not long
                  • Here's a blockquote

                    Quote quote quote!

                2. This is a very big list
                  1. Header inside the list

                  2. Subheader inside the list

                  3. Subsubheader inside the list

                  4. Subsubsubheader inside the list

              • Here's another thing inside that
          • This will go deeper
            • And deeper
              • And deeper
                • And deeper
                  • And deeper
                    • And deeper
                      • And deeper
                        • And deeper
                          • And deeper
                            • And deeper
                              • And deeper
                                • And deeper
                                  • And deeper
                                    • And deeper
                                      • And deeper
                                        • And deeper
  • Finally! Escaped the list.

Simple blockquotes

Here's a blockquote that spans multiple lines

Advanced blockquotes: Nesting

Oh no not nesting again

Anything but that!

Wow, this is deep!

Whew! Glad it wasn't as long as the list.


This page is valid XHTML.

Inline HTML

OH NO YOU CAN NEST THIS TOO.This looks like a pyramid!


Blue tag:
Red tag:
Invalid tag:


At the end of episode five, it turns out that

what episode 5? This is MSE ;)


This is a table
This is a row
This is another row

Wow! You made it all the way to the end of this! Maybe upvote to congratulate my hour of effort?

Post Made Community Wiki by Anonymous