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For very long tables, abilityAbility to repeat header, or have "sticky header"

This post has a very long table: 2020: a year in closing, because it lists stats for all ~200 sites in the SE network.

Here's what the top of the table looks like:

enter image description here

After about 200 rows, here's what the bottom looks like:

enter image description here

If I am interested in information in the lowest rows, then it's very hard to see what the headers are. No amount of zooming out will allow me to see the headers and the data at the same time. A solution could be to have the option to repeat headers after every 50 rows, for example. I have seen this on various tables on Wikipedia. Another option would be a "sticky" header, which remains present when you're scrolling up and down.

For very long tables, ability to repeat header

This post has a very long table: 2020: a year in closing, because it lists stats for all ~200 sites in the SE network.

Here's what the top of the table looks like:

enter image description here

After about 200 rows, here's what the bottom looks like:

enter image description here

If I am interested in information in the lowest rows, then it's very hard to see what the headers are. No amount of zooming out will allow me to see the headers and the data at the same time. A solution could be to have the option to repeat headers after every 50 rows, for example. I have seen this on various tables on Wikipedia.

Ability to repeat header, or have "sticky header"

This post has a very long table: 2020: a year in closing, because it lists stats for all ~200 sites in the SE network.

Here's what the top of the table looks like:

enter image description here

After about 200 rows, here's what the bottom looks like:

enter image description here

If I am interested in information in the lowest rows, then it's very hard to see what the headers are. No amount of zooming out will allow me to see the headers and the data at the same time. A solution could be to have the option to repeat headers after every 50 rows, for example. I have seen this on various tables on Wikipedia. Another option would be a "sticky" header, which remains present when you're scrolling up and down.

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For very long tables, ability to repeat header

This post has a very long table: 2020: a year in closing, because it lists stats for all ~200 sites in the SE network.

Here's what the top of the table looks like:

enter image description here

After about 200 rows, here's what the bottom looks like:

enter image description here

If I am interested in information in the lowest rows, then it's very hard to see what the headers are. No amount of zooming out will allow me to see the headers and the data at the same time. A solution could be to have the option to repeat headers after every 50 rows, for example. I have seen this on various tables on Wikipedia.