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added 5 characters in body
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JNat StaffMod
  • 25.8k
  • 17
  • 95
  • 129

Q1Jan-Mar 2021

Q1 2021

Jan-Mar 2021

updated to include Q1 response stats
Source Link
JNat StaffMod
  • 25.8k
  • 17
  • 95
  • 129
  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period. [met, got to ~68%; see below for details]

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period. [not met, got to ~59%; see below for details]

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on. [met; see this post for details]

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times. [met and a success, as reflected by above stats' bump compared to previous periods]

  • Editor: Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues: Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers: Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding: New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

Stats for the period:

Overall numbers:

A total of 221 questions had on them at some point during this period, and made their way into the process:

  • 94 (~43%) got the tag added during this period; of these 68 (~72%) got a staff response (58 [~72%] within 2 weeks of the tag getting added), and 70 (~75%) got removed.
  • 127 (~57%) already had the tag on them; of these 75 (~59%) got a staff response, and 74 (~58%) got removed.

New this period:

A total of 94 questions across all Meta sites got added to them. The tag was added by a staff member on 35 (~37%) of these, and the other 59 (~63%) had the tag added by a moderator.

This means there was a larger amount of posts escalated when compared to the previous period (+44 posts; ~+88%).1

The majority of questions came from MSE, the various Metas from all over the network, and MSO:

  • 42 (~45%) from MSE.
  • 24 (~25%) from MSO.
  • 28 (~30%) from other child Metas.

Most of the questions escalated were bug reports or feature requests, but there were posts of all types escalated to staff (note that tags are not mutually exclusive):

A total of 68 questions (~72%) got some sort of response from staff after the tag was added, and 58 (~62%) got a response within 2 weeks of getting added. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and any sort of response was ~7d 16.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~2d 7.5h). Of these (sets below aren’t mutually exclusive):

  • 40 questions (~59% of above; ~43% of total) got commented on by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the comment getting posted was ~4d 20h (min. of ~1min; max. of ~36d 3h; median of ~1d 19h). 36 (53% of above; ~38% of total) of these questions got a comment within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.
  • 48 questions (~71% of above; ~51% of total) got answered by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the answer getting posted was ~8d 13.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~21h). 36 (53% of above; 38% of total) of these questions got an answer within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.
  • 62 questions (~91% of above; ~66% of total) got edited by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the edit getting submitted was ~8d 20.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~3d 3h). 48 (71% of above; 51% of total) of these questions got an edit within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.

Most responses ended up resulting in a corresponding tag edit, and 70 (~75%) questions got removed. 61 of these got removed by staff, and the other 9 by a moderator. Of these:

  • 39 questions (~56% of above; ~42% of total) got added to them.
  • 1 question (~1% of above; ~1% of total) got added to them.
  • 3 questions (~4% of above; ~3% of total) got added to them.
  • 12 questions (~17% of above; ~13% of total) got added to them.
  • 2 questions (~3% of above; ~2% of total) got added to them.
  • 14 questions (~20% of above; ~15% of total) didn’t get a new status tag added.

It’s also worth noting that of the 68 posts that got a response from staff, 31 had added by staff, and the other 37 by mods:

  • 35 tagged by staff, 31 responded, 4 unresponded
  • 59 tagged by mods, 37 responded, 22 unresponded

From previous periods:

A total of 1272 questions across all Meta sites still had on them at some point during this period. The tag had been added by a staff member on 59 (~47%) of these, and the other 68 (~53%) had the tag previously added by a moderator.

The majority of questions came from MSE, followed by network Metas, and MSO:

  • 59 (~47%) from MSE.
  • 30 (~24%) from MSO.
  • 38 (~30%) from other child Metas.

Most of the questions escalated were bug reports or feature requests, but there were posts of all types escalated to staff (note that tags are not mutually exclusive):

A total of 75 of these questions (~59%) got some sort of response from staff during this period, and after the tag was added. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and any sort of response was ~187.5d (min. of ~13d 1h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~161d 16h). Of these (sets below aren’t mutually exclusive):

  • 16 questions (~21% of above; ~13% of total) got commented on by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the comment getting posted was ~120d 12h (min. of ~13d 1h; max. of ~259d 8h; median of ~134d 20h).
  • 61 questions (~81% of above; ~48% of total) got answered by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the answer getting posted was ~201d 2h (min. of ~28d 3h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~187d 16h).
  • 73 questions (~97% of above; ~58% of total) got edited by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the edit getting submitted was ~190d 17h (min. of ~28d 3h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~175d 15h).

Most responses ended up resulting in a corresponding tag edit, and 74 (~58%) questions got removed. 74 of these got removed by staff, none by a moderator. Of these:

  • 29 questions (~39% of above; ~23% of total) got added to them.
  • 17 questions (~23% of above; ~13% of total) got added to them.
  • 3 questions (~4% of above; ~2% of total) got added to them.
  • 18 questions (~24% of above; ~14% of total) got added to them.
  • 5 questions (~7% of above; ~4% of total) got added to them.
  • 2 questions (~3% of above; ~2% of total) didn’t get a new status tag added.

It’s also worth noting that of the 75 posts that got a response from staff, 38 had added by staff, and the other 37 by mods:

  • 59 tagged by staff, 38 responded, 21 unresponded
  • 68 tagged by mods, 37 responded, 31 unresponded


1 It's worth noting that we changed our reporting periods from 2 month periods to full quarters, though.
2 If you're paying attention to previous posts, you maybe expected this number to be 129. Some posts have since been deleted, though, so I just removed them from the total count, instead of counting them as "responded" in some way.

  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period.

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period.

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on.

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times.

  • Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period. [met, got to ~68%; see below for details]

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period. [not met, got to ~59%; see below for details]

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on. [met; see this post for details]

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times. [met and a success, as reflected by above stats' bump compared to previous periods]

  • Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

Stats for the period:

Overall numbers:

A total of 221 questions had on them at some point during this period, and made their way into the process:

  • 94 (~43%) got the tag added during this period; of these 68 (~72%) got a staff response (58 [~72%] within 2 weeks of the tag getting added), and 70 (~75%) got removed.
  • 127 (~57%) already had the tag on them; of these 75 (~59%) got a staff response, and 74 (~58%) got removed.

New this period:

A total of 94 questions across all Meta sites got added to them. The tag was added by a staff member on 35 (~37%) of these, and the other 59 (~63%) had the tag added by a moderator.

This means there was a larger amount of posts escalated when compared to the previous period (+44 posts; ~+88%).1

The majority of questions came from MSE, the various Metas from all over the network, and MSO:

  • 42 (~45%) from MSE.
  • 24 (~25%) from MSO.
  • 28 (~30%) from other child Metas.

Most of the questions escalated were bug reports or feature requests, but there were posts of all types escalated to staff (note that tags are not mutually exclusive):

A total of 68 questions (~72%) got some sort of response from staff after the tag was added, and 58 (~62%) got a response within 2 weeks of getting added. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and any sort of response was ~7d 16.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~2d 7.5h). Of these (sets below aren’t mutually exclusive):

  • 40 questions (~59% of above; ~43% of total) got commented on by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the comment getting posted was ~4d 20h (min. of ~1min; max. of ~36d 3h; median of ~1d 19h). 36 (53% of above; ~38% of total) of these questions got a comment within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.
  • 48 questions (~71% of above; ~51% of total) got answered by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the answer getting posted was ~8d 13.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~21h). 36 (53% of above; 38% of total) of these questions got an answer within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.
  • 62 questions (~91% of above; ~66% of total) got edited by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the edit getting submitted was ~8d 20.5h (min. of ~0.1h; max. of ~70d; median of ~3d 3h). 48 (71% of above; 51% of total) of these questions got an edit within 2 weeks of the tag getting added to them.

Most responses ended up resulting in a corresponding tag edit, and 70 (~75%) questions got removed. 61 of these got removed by staff, and the other 9 by a moderator. Of these:

  • 39 questions (~56% of above; ~42% of total) got added to them.
  • 1 question (~1% of above; ~1% of total) got added to them.
  • 3 questions (~4% of above; ~3% of total) got added to them.
  • 12 questions (~17% of above; ~13% of total) got added to them.
  • 2 questions (~3% of above; ~2% of total) got added to them.
  • 14 questions (~20% of above; ~15% of total) didn’t get a new status tag added.

It’s also worth noting that of the 68 posts that got a response from staff, 31 had added by staff, and the other 37 by mods:

  • 35 tagged by staff, 31 responded, 4 unresponded
  • 59 tagged by mods, 37 responded, 22 unresponded

From previous periods:

A total of 1272 questions across all Meta sites still had on them at some point during this period. The tag had been added by a staff member on 59 (~47%) of these, and the other 68 (~53%) had the tag previously added by a moderator.

The majority of questions came from MSE, followed by network Metas, and MSO:

  • 59 (~47%) from MSE.
  • 30 (~24%) from MSO.
  • 38 (~30%) from other child Metas.

Most of the questions escalated were bug reports or feature requests, but there were posts of all types escalated to staff (note that tags are not mutually exclusive):

A total of 75 of these questions (~59%) got some sort of response from staff during this period, and after the tag was added. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and any sort of response was ~187.5d (min. of ~13d 1h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~161d 16h). Of these (sets below aren’t mutually exclusive):

  • 16 questions (~21% of above; ~13% of total) got commented on by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the comment getting posted was ~120d 12h (min. of ~13d 1h; max. of ~259d 8h; median of ~134d 20h).
  • 61 questions (~81% of above; ~48% of total) got answered by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the answer getting posted was ~201d 2h (min. of ~28d 3h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~187d 16h).
  • 73 questions (~97% of above; ~58% of total) got edited by staff. The average time elapsed between the tag getting added and the edit getting submitted was ~190d 17h (min. of ~28d 3h; max. of ~345d 8h; median of ~175d 15h).

Most responses ended up resulting in a corresponding tag edit, and 74 (~58%) questions got removed. 74 of these got removed by staff, none by a moderator. Of these:

  • 29 questions (~39% of above; ~23% of total) got added to them.
  • 17 questions (~23% of above; ~13% of total) got added to them.
  • 3 questions (~4% of above; ~2% of total) got added to them.
  • 18 questions (~24% of above; ~14% of total) got added to them.
  • 5 questions (~7% of above; ~4% of total) got added to them.
  • 2 questions (~3% of above; ~2% of total) didn’t get a new status tag added.

It’s also worth noting that of the 75 posts that got a response from staff, 38 had added by staff, and the other 37 by mods:

  • 59 tagged by staff, 38 responded, 21 unresponded
  • 68 tagged by mods, 37 responded, 31 unresponded


1 It's worth noting that we changed our reporting periods from 2 month periods to full quarters, though.
2 If you're paying attention to previous posts, you maybe expected this number to be 129. Some posts have since been deleted, though, so I just removed them from the total count, instead of counting them as "responded" in some way.

Source Link
JNat StaffMod
  • 25.8k
  • 17
  • 95
  • 129

Q1 2021


  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period.

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period.

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on.

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times.

Guidance (see Q1 roadmap for more details):

  • Editor:Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues:Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers:Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding:New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

Q1 2021


  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period.

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period.

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on.

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times.

Guidance (see Q1 roadmap for more details):

  • Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

Q1 2021


  • Respond to 50% of Meta posts from across the network, to which was added during this period.

  • Respond to 75% of Meta posts from across the network, where was added to it in a previous period.

  • We'll be having a "ticket smash" in February to go over the backlog, and try to respond to as many of the yet-to-be-responded-to posts as possible, in preparation for putting a new internal workflow in place. During this time, you may see a lot of tickets marked as and , simply because they do not line up with our Q1 roadmap that defines what we are actively working on.

  • Test new internal workflow, which aims to increase response rates and response times.

Guidance (see Q1 roadmap for more details):

  • Editor: we're testing a new editor!. See the post for more details on how to give feedback on it.

  • Review Queues: we're in the midst of making changes to Review Queues. The next phase is around educating new users about how to do reviews. Please highlight posts that are relevant to that project. See the post for more details.

  • Outdated Answers: we're starting discovery surrounding the problem of outdated answers and how to address identifying, surfacing, and encouraging updating them in February. If you have posts that are relevant to that discovery, we'd like to see 'em.

  • New User Onboarding: we're gonna kick off discovery on onboarding in February, so if you have posts surrounding issues of educating new users about the platform and guiding them through their first critical experiences and set them up for success, please escalate them.

added 1734 characters in body
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JNat StaffMod
  • 25.8k
  • 17
  • 95
  • 129
Source Link
  • 108.6k
  • 46
  • 292
  • 414