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enter image description here Here's the code:

| This is what happens when MathJaX is used in a header: | $\textrm{Equation gets squished despite enough room:}$ |
| - | ------------------ |
|   | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

Likewise the headers can wrap around unnecessarily (this is an example of a real table that I typed to answer something):enter image description hereI had to do some tweaking to get the 4th column header not to look so ugly (and somewhat erroneous due to the "y" variable seemingly not quantified properly):

The two relevant code blocks are here:

| $a|b$ | $a|c$| $(a|b) \\wedge (a|c)$ | $a|(bx + cy), \\forall x,y$  | $a | (bx+cy)$
|T |T |T |T |T |
|T |F |F |F |Open in $y$ |
|F |T |F |F |Open in $x$ |
|F |F |F |F |Open in $(x,y)$ |

| $a|b$ | $a|c$| $(a|b) \\wedge (a|c)$ | $a|(bx + cy), \\forall x,y$     | $a | (bx+cy)$
|T |T |T |T |T |
|T |F |F |F |Open in $y$ |
|F |T |F |F |Open in $x$ |
|F |F |F |F |Open in $(x,y)$ |

enter image description here Here's the code:

| This is what happens when MathJaX is used in a header: | $\textrm{Equation gets squished despite enough room:}$ |
| - | ------------------ |
|   | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

enter image description here Here's the code:

| This is what happens when MathJaX is used in a header: | $\textrm{Equation gets squished despite enough room:}$ |
| - | ------------------ |
|   | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

Likewise the headers can wrap around unnecessarily (this is an example of a real table that I typed to answer something):enter image description hereI had to do some tweaking to get the 4th column header not to look so ugly (and somewhat erroneous due to the "y" variable seemingly not quantified properly):

The two relevant code blocks are here:

| $a|b$ | $a|c$| $(a|b) \\wedge (a|c)$ | $a|(bx + cy), \\forall x,y$  | $a | (bx+cy)$
|T |T |T |T |T |
|T |F |F |F |Open in $y$ |
|F |T |F |F |Open in $x$ |
|F |F |F |F |Open in $(x,y)$ |

| $a|b$ | $a|c$| $(a|b) \\wedge (a|c)$ | $a|(bx + cy), \\forall x,y$     | $a | (bx+cy)$
|T |T |T |T |T |
|T |F |F |F |Open in $y$ |
|F |T |F |F |Open in $x$ |
|F |F |F |F |Open in $(x,y)$ |
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when MathJaX is in the header

There is a lot of wasted space when there's MathJax in a header:

enter image description here

Here'senter image description here Here's the code for what I tried so far:

| Can MathJax be used as a workaround for lower case letters? | $\textrm{Yes}$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| Is the right-side ruined just because there's Mathjax in the header? | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| What about if we mix MathJax with non-mathjax? | $\int e^x=f(u)n$                It fixes it |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| So can there be a workaround? by using ` ` | $\int e^x=f(u)n$               |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing<br> required at the end is sub-ideal. In fact without the `<br>` <br> commands I'm using, the right-side gets messed up again.<br> So there's even more wasted space on the left-side than <br> one would hope would be necessary.     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| So can there be a workaround? by using `&nbsp;` | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing required <br>at the end is sub-ideal. This is what the above table looks like if the <br>`<br>` comes just one word later. Lots of wasted space on the<br> left-side of the table, and stillhappens thewhen right-sideMathJaX is slightly mesed up.     | $\intused e^xin =a f(u)n$header: |

| So can there be a workaround? by$\textrm{Equation usinggets `&nbsp;`squished |despite $\intenough e^x=f(u)n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$room:}$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing required <br>at the end is sub-ideal. This is what the above table looks like if the <br>`<br>` comes just one word later. Lots of wasted space on the<br> left-side of the table, and still the right-side is slightly mesed up.  |   | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

when MathJaX is in the header

There is a lot of wasted space when there's MathJax in a header:

enter image description here

Here's the code for what I tried so far:

| Can MathJax be used as a workaround for lower case letters? | $\textrm{Yes}$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| Is the right-side ruined just because there's Mathjax in the header? | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| What about if we mix MathJax with non-mathjax? | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It fixes it |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| So can there be a workaround? by using `&nbsp;` | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing<br> required at the end is sub-ideal. In fact without the `<br>` <br> commands I'm using, the right-side gets messed up again.<br> So there's even more wasted space on the left-side than <br> one would hope would be necessary.     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| So can there be a workaround? by using `&nbsp;` | $\int e^x=f(u)n$ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing required <br>at the end is sub-ideal. This is what the above table looks like if the <br>`<br>` comes just one word later. Lots of wasted space on the<br> left-side of the table, and still the right-side is slightly mesed up.     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

| So can there be a workaround? by using `&nbsp;` | $\int e^x=f(u)n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$ |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
|It required 15 `&nbsp;` commands though, and the spacing required <br>at the end is sub-ideal. This is what the above table looks like if the <br>`<br>` comes just one word later. Lots of wasted space on the<br> left-side of the table, and still the right-side is slightly mesed up.     | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |

enter image description here Here's the code:

| This is what happens when MathJaX is used in a header: | $\textrm{Equation gets squished despite enough room:}$ |
| - | ------------------ |
|   | $\int e^x = f(u)n$ |
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MathJax works :) But with a slight . when MathJaX is in the header

Can we have lowercase letters in headers?It seems we cannot
Does MathJax work?$\int e^x = f(u)n$

Becomes (on a site that supports MathJax):

enter image description here

The only left based on the above table is to allow lower case letters in headers, which was already asked by someone else.

There does seem to be a though. This:

Can we have lowercase letters in headers?$\textrm{Yes we can since we can use MathJax!}$
Does MathJax work?$\int e^x = f(u)n$

Becomes (on a site that supports MathJax):

enter image description here

For some reason (still a mystery to me!) the above bug which causes the MathJax text to span far more rows than desired, can be fixed simply by mixing MathJax with non-MathJax, which leads to a workaround where you use a large number of HTML blank spaces to make the right-side look right again. This leads tois a lot of wasted space on the left-wide, which I can't quite figure out how to fixwhen there's MathJax in a header:

enter image description hereenter image description here

MathJax works :) But with a slight .

Can we have lowercase letters in headers?It seems we cannot
Does MathJax work?$\int e^x = f(u)n$

Becomes (on a site that supports MathJax):

enter image description here

The only left based on the above table is to allow lower case letters in headers, which was already asked by someone else.

There does seem to be a though. This:

Can we have lowercase letters in headers?$\textrm{Yes we can since we can use MathJax!}$
Does MathJax work?$\int e^x = f(u)n$

Becomes (on a site that supports MathJax):

enter image description here

For some reason (still a mystery to me!) the above bug which causes the MathJax text to span far more rows than desired, can be fixed simply by mixing MathJax with non-MathJax, which leads to a workaround where you use a large number of HTML blank spaces to make the right-side look right again. This leads to a lot of wasted space on the left-wide, which I can't quite figure out how to fix:

enter image description here

when MathJaX is in the header

There is a lot of wasted space when there's MathJax in a header:

enter image description here

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