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I scrolled to the bottom of this post, hoping to see an official SO response, offering a positive closure to this. But there is none, nothing, nada. And that's pathetic.

Not only did they have to take your job away over reasons that as far as I can tell are mostly/completely made up, they had to humiliate you (very publicly, I might add) on top of it. In no way is this acceptable. I don't care if you burned down SO HQ and told the CEO to you-know-what, that. That sort of treatment is unacceptable. You're a human being and as such entitled to some basic respect.

If I had to guess, whatever you were discussing irritated a higher-up and your firing was more of a way to get revenge/shut you up thenthan for any legitimate reason. Honestly, comparing your posts on SE in general and the CoC, I'm not seeing any clear violations.

I've encountered you before on these sites, Monica. You're one of my favorite modsmoderators. You're fair, reasonable, and recognize people posting as human. You've even stepped in when another modmoderator seemed to be after my blood. I, for one, certainly hope you get reinstated. And regarding the legal matters, I'd highly recommend looking into your options. If SO continues to handle it the same way, this could get nasty for you.

And to SO: Please, for God's sake, take the appropriate action here. She did nothing wrong, and your actions were not that of a ethical, well behaved business. I'm in college right now for business administration (Freshmanfreshman year), and everything I've learned thus far indicates you handled this all wrong. You didn't ensure you had adequate reason, and you didn't keep it private. You've made a mistake, big deal. If handled in a fair, ethical, and logical manner, this could all be in the past soon. If you keep handling it poorly, people won't forget this, and some won't forgive. I for one won't.

I scrolled to the bottom of this post, hoping to see an official SO response, offering a positive closure to this. But there is none, nothing, nada. And that's pathetic

Not only did they have to take your job away over reasons that as far as I can tell are mostly/completely made up, they had to humiliate you (very publicly, I might add) on top of it. In no way is this acceptable. I don't care if you burned down SO HQ and told the CEO to you-know-what, that sort of treatment is unacceptable. You're a human being and as such entitled to some basic respect

If I had to guess, whatever you were discussing irritated a higher-up and your firing was more of a way to get revenge/shut you up then for any legitimate reason. Honestly, comparing your posts on SE in general and the CoC, I'm not seeing any clear violations

I've encountered you before on these sites, Monica. You're one of my favorite mods. You're fair, reasonable, and recognize people posting as human. You've even stepped in when another mod seemed to be after my blood. I, for one, certainly hope you get reinstated. And regarding the legal matters, I'd highly recommend looking into your options. If SO continues to handle it the same way, this could get nasty for you.

And to SO: Please, for God's sake, take the appropriate action here. She did nothing wrong, and your actions were not that of a ethical, well behaved business. I'm in college right now for business administration (Freshman year), and everything I've learned thus far indicates you handled this all wrong. You didn't ensure you had adequate reason, and you didn't keep it private. You've made a mistake, big deal. If handled in a fair, ethical, and logical manner, this could all be in the past soon. If you keep handling it poorly, people won't forget this, and some won't forgive. I for one won't

I scrolled to the bottom of this post, hoping to see an official SO response, offering a positive closure to this. But there is none, nothing, nada. And that's pathetic.

Not only did they have to take your job away over reasons that as far as I can tell are mostly/completely made up, they had to humiliate you (very publicly, I might add) on top of it. In no way is this acceptable. I don't care if you burned down SO HQ and told the CEO to you-know-what. That sort of treatment is unacceptable. You're a human being and as such entitled to some basic respect.

If I had to guess, whatever you were discussing irritated a higher-up and your firing was more of a way to get revenge/shut you up than for any legitimate reason. Honestly, comparing your posts on SE in general and the CoC, I'm not seeing any clear violations.

I've encountered you before on these sites, Monica. You're one of my favorite moderators. You're fair, reasonable, and recognize people posting as human. You've even stepped in when another moderator seemed to be after my blood. I, for one, certainly hope you get reinstated. And regarding the legal matters, I'd highly recommend looking into your options. If SO continues to handle it the same way, this could get nasty for you.

And to SO: Please, for God's sake, take the appropriate action here. She did nothing wrong, and your actions were not that of a ethical, well behaved business. I'm in college right now for business administration (freshman year), and everything I've learned thus far indicates you handled this all wrong. You didn't ensure you had adequate reason, and you didn't keep it private. You've made a mistake, big deal. If handled in a fair, ethical, and logical manner, this could all be in the past soon. If you keep handling it poorly, people won't forget this, and some won't forgive. I for one won't.

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I scrolled to the bottom of this post, hoping to see an official SO response, offering a positive closure to this. But there is none, nothing, nada. And that's pathetic

Not only did they have to take your job away over reasons that as far as I can tell are mostly/completely made up, they had to humiliate you (very publicly, I might add) on top of it. In no way is this acceptable. I don't care if you burned down SO HQ and told the CEO to you-know-what, that sort of treatment is unacceptable. You're a human being and as such entitled to some basic respect

If I had to guess, whatever you were discussing irritated a higher-up and your firing was more of a way to get revenge/shut you up then for any legitimate reason. Honestly, comparing your posts on SE in general and the CoC, I'm not seeing any clear violations

I've encountered you before on these sites, Monica. You're one of my favorite mods. You're fair, reasonable, and recognize people posting as human. You've even stepped in when another mod seemed to be after my blood. I, for one, certainly hope you get reinstated. And regarding the legal matters, I'd highly recommend looking into your options. If SO continues to handle it the same way, this could get nasty for you.

And to SO: Please, for God's sake, take the appropriate action here. She did nothing wrong, and your actions were not that of a ethical, well behaved business. I'm in college right now for business administration (Freshman year), and everything I've learned thus far indicates you handled this all wrong. You didn't ensure you had adequate reason, and you didn't keep it private. You've made a mistake, big deal. If handled in a fair, ethical, and logical manner, this could all be in the past soon. If you keep handling it poorly, people won't forget this, and some won't forgive. I for one won't