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" ... we made a series of mistakes ... "

Other than "should not have done this on a Friday" what do you think the mistakes were/are?

Enumerate what you consider the mistakes, because, Mistakes were made, I approved them, my bad ... is not an apology.

It isIf you think he listed the exact opposite of an apologymistakes, puttinghe did not. He listed the word apology inside effects of the title doesmistakes. He lists We regret ... non-apologies!

we hurt ... is not makereally the mistake, it oneis the consequences or side effect of the mistake. The fact that he will not even say something like We unfairly removed Monica's moderation status and lied about why tells you this is a non-apology.

It is the exact opposite of an apology, putting the word apology in the title does not make it one.

" ... we made a series of mistakes ... "

Other than "should not have done this on a Friday" what do you think the mistakes were/are?

Enumerate what you consider the mistakes, because, Mistakes were made, I approved them, my bad ... is not an apology.

It is the exact opposite of an apology, putting the word apology in the title does not make it one.

" ... we made a series of mistakes ... "

Other than "should not have done this on a Friday" what do you think the mistakes were/are?

Enumerate what you consider the mistakes, because, Mistakes were made, I approved them, my bad ... is not an apology.

If you think he listed the mistakes, he did not. He listed the side effects of the mistakes. He lists We regret ... non-apologies!

we hurt ... is not really the mistake, it is the consequences or side effect of the mistake. The fact that he will not even say something like We unfairly removed Monica's moderation status and lied about why tells you this is a non-apology.

It is the exact opposite of an apology, putting the word apology in the title does not make it one.

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" ... we made a series of mistakes ... "

Other than "should not have done this on a Friday" what do you think the mistakes were/are?

Enumerate what you consider the mistakes, because, Mistakes were made, I approved them, my bad ... is not an apology.

It is the exact opposite of an apology, putting the word apology in the title does not make it one.