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Deeds not Words

Still, first of all: Thank you for the apology.

That said: Quite a lot of bad things accumulated to get the community to the boiling point. You adressesadressed only but a few of them. What about the animated ads? What about the fingerprinting? What about the unilateral, retroactive (and probably not legal) licensing changes? Will you attempt to rectify those issues or will you sit back, hoping that the announced changes will be enough to "placate the natives" only to resume your previous course once things have calmed down.

Words are cheap, and while the apology is an important first step I (personally) will need to wait and see if more than token gestures will follow.

Deeds not Words

Still, first of all: Thank you for the apology.

That said: Quite a lot of bad things accumulated to get the community to the boiling point. You adresses only but a few of them. What about the animated ads? What about the fingerprinting? What about the unilateral, retroactive (and probably not legal) licensing changes? Will you attempt to rectify those issues or will you sit back, hoping that the announced changes will be enough to "placate the natives" only to resume your previous course once things have calmed down.

Words are cheap, and while the apology is an important first step I (personally) will need to wait and see if more than token gestures will follow.

Deeds not Words

Still, first of all: Thank you for the apology.

That said: Quite a lot of bad things accumulated to get the community to the boiling point. You adressed only but a few of them. What about the animated ads? What about the fingerprinting? What about the unilateral, retroactive (and probably not legal) licensing changes? Will you attempt to rectify those issues or will you sit back, hoping that the announced changes will be enough to "placate the natives" only to resume your previous course once things have calmed down.

Words are cheap, and while the apology is an important first step I (personally) will need to wait and see if more than token gestures will follow.

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Deeds not Words

Still, first of all: Thank you for the apology.

That said: Quite a lot of bad things accumulated to get the community to the boiling point. You adresses only but a few of them. What about the animated ads? What about the fingerprinting? What about the unilateral, retroactive (and probably not legal) licensing changes? Will you attempt to rectify those issues or will you sit back, hoping that the announced changes will be enough to "placate the natives" only to resume your previous course once things have calmed down.

Words are cheap, and while the apology is an important first step I (personally) will need to wait and see if more than token gestures will follow.