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We can support the Lavender community of Stack Exchange and protest SE's treatment of Monica.

As a queer cis woman and SE moderator, I support the announced policy (which SE has stated they will add to the CoC) of using the pronouns that an individual requests. I also feel that SE has handled this situation extremely badly. They can fix it but they need to take decisive action.

For more details, please see the post from Writing.SE moderators.

We can support the Lavender community of Stack Exchange and protest SE's treatment of Monica.

As a queer cis woman and SE moderator, I support the announced policy of using the pronouns that an individual requests. I also feel that SE has handled this situation extremely badly. They can fix it but they need to take decisive action.

For more details, please see the post from Writing.SE moderators.

We can support the Lavender community of Stack Exchange and protest SE's treatment of Monica.

As a queer cis woman and SE moderator, I support the policy (which SE has stated they will add to the CoC) of using the pronouns that an individual requests. I also feel that SE has handled this situation extremely badly. They can fix it but they need to take decisive action.

For more details, please see the post from Writing.SE moderators.

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We can support the Lavender community of Stack Exchange and protest SE's treatment of Monica.

As a queer cis woman and SE moderator, I support the announced policy of using the pronouns that an individual requests. I also feel that SE has handled this situation extremely badly. They can fix it but they need to take decisive action.

For more details, please see the post from Writing.SE moderators.