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Update (30.10.19)

We're officially well over a month into this mess, and extremely little has changed.


The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE, and to top it off, all our concerns regarding the legality of SE's license change have been ignored


I haven't decided whether I think Monica is "innocent" or not, simply because I don't have all the info. The reason I'm writing this part is because regardless of which side I'm on, I still think the way SE treated her is horrible. SE has failed to handle the Monica situation - in fact, they still haven't responded to her. She's now going for an approach through the legal system, which she initially said she didn't want to do.


Aside the way they've treated Monica, the way the situation was handled has caused a massive amount of friction in the community. Real toxicity is unnecessarily common, and it's not just against the LGBTQ+-community (although we're definitely targeted too). Currently, no one wins. This is no longer the network I joined. I'm going to stop contributing entirely for the next few days with the exception of chat and on my posts while I get ready for the worst-case scenario: if nothing changes, I'm going to take an indefinite break from the network. After that, I'm in for a long run - if nothing changes in the next year, I'll be deleting my account.


SE said they realized the way they handled the situation was bad, but they've done the same exact thing again and again, and it's now enough. I still have a tiny shred of hope they'll turn things around, but it's very, very unlikely they'll turn the situation into something positive at this point. More specifically, I find it extremely unlikely a certain director is going to do what's necessary to get the situation back under control in a time frame that isn't 6-8 and in a way that doesn't involve more fires.


No matter what excuses they come up with at this point, unless they act on it, the network doesn't have a future. They listened to feedback on the CoC situation, but they're still so slow at handling things it lets the situation explode out of control while concerns are ignored. The company are ignoring concerns while putting out small fires, leaving the massive flames untouched and able to spread.


If you have any energy left to deal with this (I know I don't), I highly encourage you to take to Twitter. It seems to be the only thing they'll end up understanding. To me, it seems like the only way this situation has any chance of coming to an end, is if SE steps in. So far, they've failed to do so.


Take this update any way you want - this is me saying I'm done. The situation is about to hit critical mass, and I don't want to have an exit if (when? :/ ) it collapses into a black hole. SE still has a chance, but from the events so far, they're most likely not going to take it.


Update 15.11.19: This is my last day here on SE. I'm going on an indefinite leave for reasons I've elaborated on my blog

Update (30.10.19)

We're officially well over a month into this mess, and extremely little has changed.


The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE, and to top it off, all our concerns regarding the legality of SE's license change have been ignored


I haven't decided whether I think Monica is "innocent" or not, simply because I don't have all the info. The reason I'm writing this part is because regardless of which side I'm on, I still think the way SE treated her is horrible. SE has failed to handle the Monica situation - in fact, they still haven't responded to her. She's now going for an approach through the legal system, which she initially said she didn't want to do.


Aside the way they've treated Monica, the way the situation was handled has caused a massive amount of friction in the community. Real toxicity is unnecessarily common, and it's not just against the LGBTQ+-community (although we're definitely targeted too). Currently, no one wins. This is no longer the network I joined. I'm going to stop contributing entirely for the next few days with the exception of chat and on my posts while I get ready for the worst-case scenario: if nothing changes, I'm going to take an indefinite break from the network. After that, I'm in for a long run - if nothing changes in the next year, I'll be deleting my account.


SE said they realized the way they handled the situation was bad, but they've done the same exact thing again and again, and it's now enough. I still have a tiny shred of hope they'll turn things around, but it's very, very unlikely they'll turn the situation into something positive at this point. More specifically, I find it extremely unlikely a certain director is going to do what's necessary to get the situation back under control in a time frame that isn't 6-8 and in a way that doesn't involve more fires.


No matter what excuses they come up with at this point, unless they act on it, the network doesn't have a future. They listened to feedback on the CoC situation, but they're still so slow at handling things it lets the situation explode out of control while concerns are ignored. The company are ignoring concerns while putting out small fires, leaving the massive flames untouched and able to spread.


If you have any energy left to deal with this (I know I don't), I highly encourage you to take to Twitter. It seems to be the only thing they'll end up understanding. To me, it seems like the only way this situation has any chance of coming to an end, is if SE steps in. So far, they've failed to do so.


Take this update any way you want - this is me saying I'm done. The situation is about to hit critical mass, and I don't want to have an exit if (when? :/ ) it collapses into a black hole. SE still has a chance, but from the events so far, they're most likely not going to take it.


Update 15.11.19: This is my last day here on SE. I'm going on an indefinite leave for reasons I've elaborated on my blog

Update (30.10.19)

We're officially well over a month into this mess, and extremely little has changed.

The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE, and to top it off, all our concerns regarding the legality of SE's license change have been ignored

I haven't decided whether I think Monica is "innocent" or not, simply because I don't have all the info. The reason I'm writing this part is because regardless of which side I'm on, I still think the way SE treated her is horrible. SE has failed to handle the Monica situation - in fact, they still haven't responded to her. She's now going for an approach through the legal system, which she initially said she didn't want to do.

Aside the way they've treated Monica, the way the situation was handled has caused a massive amount of friction in the community. Real toxicity is unnecessarily common, and it's not just against the LGBTQ+-community (although we're definitely targeted too). Currently, no one wins. This is no longer the network I joined. I'm going to stop contributing entirely for the next few days with the exception of chat and on my posts while I get ready for the worst-case scenario: if nothing changes, I'm going to take an indefinite break from the network. After that, I'm in for a long run - if nothing changes in the next year, I'll be deleting my account.

SE said they realized the way they handled the situation was bad, but they've done the same exact thing again and again, and it's now enough. I still have a tiny shred of hope they'll turn things around, but it's very, very unlikely they'll turn the situation into something positive at this point. More specifically, I find it extremely unlikely a certain director is going to do what's necessary to get the situation back under control in a time frame that isn't 6-8 and in a way that doesn't involve more fires.

No matter what excuses they come up with at this point, unless they act on it, the network doesn't have a future. They listened to feedback on the CoC situation, but they're still so slow at handling things it lets the situation explode out of control while concerns are ignored. The company are ignoring concerns while putting out small fires, leaving the massive flames untouched and able to spread.

If you have any energy left to deal with this (I know I don't), I highly encourage you to take to Twitter. It seems to be the only thing they'll end up understanding. To me, it seems like the only way this situation has any chance of coming to an end, is if SE steps in. So far, they've failed to do so.

Take this update any way you want - this is me saying I'm done. The situation is about to hit critical mass, and I don't want to have an exit if (when? :/ ) it collapses into a black hole. SE still has a chance, but from the events so far, they're most likely not going to take it.

Update 15.11.19: This is my last day here on SE. I'm going on an indefinite leave for reasons I've elaborated on my blog

Bounty Ended with 100 reputation awarded by Blue
Bounty Ended with 50 reputation awarded by Neo
Might as well add it here too
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Update 15.11.19: This is my last day here on SE. I'm going on an indefinite leave for reasons I've elaborated on my blog

Update 15.11.19: This is my last day here on SE. I'm going on an indefinite leave for reasons I've elaborated on my blog

added 150 characters in body
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The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE., and to top it off, all our concerns regarding the legality of SE's license change have been ignored

The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE.

The CoC received an update that was at least received better than the initial FAQ. They've also released a plan they actually followed, unlike the second (third?) apology. We're still waiting for a reply to the letters to SE, and to top it off, all our concerns regarding the legality of SE's license change have been ignored

I apparently can't spell
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added 21 characters in body
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added 3833 characters in body
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added 76 characters in body
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added 106 characters in body
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added 213 characters in body
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added 240 characters in body
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'Stack Overflow' is the legal name; 'Stack Exchange' is the legal name; grammar.
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added 59 characters in body
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