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Congratulations on your new role, CeserCesar! I'm really excited to see how you help Stack Exchange grow and develop. I can tell already that you'll love this place and make a great addition to the community team. Good luck!

enter image description hereCard with unicorn saying "I believe in YOU"

Congratulations on your new role, Ceser! I'm really excited to see how you help Stack Exchange grow and develop. I can tell already that you'll love this place and make a great addition to the community team. Good luck!

enter image description here

Congratulations on your new role, Cesar! I'm really excited to see how you help Stack Exchange grow and develop. I can tell already that you'll love this place and make a great addition to the community team. Good luck!

Card with unicorn saying "I believe in YOU"

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Congratulations on your new role, Ceser! I'm really excited to see how you help Stack Exchange grow and develop. I can tell already that you'll love this place and make a great addition to the community team. Good luck!

enter image description here