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Note of warning I have not read all of the answers here. I'm sure what I wrote is duplicated somewhere.

I like smokey, it works amazingly well. Yes I would trust it to fully automatically delete spam.

I'm going to point out some "issues" and then speek to them (we are on meta after all).

There are two issues with moving from 3 flags to 5.

  1. Do we really need the extra speed? On the site I moderate, we do not get that much spam. (Smokey has auto flagged 8 posts, total). With the user base, and the amount of questions we get per day we really don't need a machine gun on our spam. A friendly bear watching over the site seems sufficient for us.

  2. Humans are far more likely to get something wrong then a machine. Yes smokey is correct somewhere around 99.7%, but what is the human error rate? (I've made mistakes, clicked the wrong button etc.) Now with only one human vote, you've removed the human self check. A human error could get by with just one person voting. I don't like that idea. (There are users on BSE I would not trust with that responsibility, and I know there are some on your sites too.) We would essentially be giving whoever came across that auto flagged post moderator powers.

I understand that smokey would be auto flagging only the most obvious spam posts. Posts that SE should be filtering out.

In that light I have no problem with smokey moving to 5 flags. I trust smokey, and if it is that good at finding the really bad spam I think there is no way of a user to mess up. Say we have a spam post, if the user thinks it is not spam (somehow) then the post waits in the queue for the next guy.

About the speed, It's spam. The quicker we get rid of it the better. We may not "need" the speed, but there is no harm in having spam disappear quicker.

Go for it. ###Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Spam Posts.

Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Spam Posts.

Note of warning I have not read all of the answers here. I'm sure what I wrote is duplicated somewhere.

I like smokey, it works amazingly well. Yes I would trust it to fully automatically delete spam.

I'm going to point out some "issues" and then speek to them (we are on meta after all).

There are two issues with moving from 3 flags to 5.

  1. Do we really need the extra speed? On the site I moderate, we do not get that much spam. (Smokey has auto flagged 8 posts, total). With the user base, and the amount of questions we get per day we really don't need a machine gun on our spam. A friendly bear watching over the site seems sufficient for us.

  2. Humans are far more likely to get something wrong then a machine. Yes smokey is correct somewhere around 99.7%, but what is the human error rate? (I've made mistakes, clicked the wrong button etc.) Now with only one human vote, you've removed the human self check. A human error could get by with just one person voting. I don't like that idea. (There are users on BSE I would not trust with that responsibility, and I know there are some on your sites too.) We would essentially be giving whoever came across that auto flagged post moderator powers.

I understand that smokey would be auto flagging only the most obvious spam posts. Posts that SE should be filtering out.

In that light I have no problem with smokey moving to 5 flags. I trust smokey, and if it is that good at finding the really bad spam I think there is no way of a user to mess up. Say we have a spam post, if the user thinks it is not spam (somehow) then the post waits in the queue for the next guy.

About the speed, It's spam. The quicker we get rid of it the better. We may not "need" the speed, but there is no harm in having spam disappear quicker.

Go for it. ###Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Spam Posts.

Note of warning I have not read all of the answers here. I'm sure what I wrote is duplicated somewhere.

I like smokey, it works amazingly well. Yes I would trust it to fully automatically delete spam.

I'm going to point out some "issues" and then speek to them (we are on meta after all).

There are two issues with moving from 3 flags to 5.

  1. Do we really need the extra speed? On the site I moderate, we do not get that much spam. (Smokey has auto flagged 8 posts, total). With the user base, and the amount of questions we get per day we really don't need a machine gun on our spam. A friendly bear watching over the site seems sufficient for us.

  2. Humans are far more likely to get something wrong then a machine. Yes smokey is correct somewhere around 99.7%, but what is the human error rate? (I've made mistakes, clicked the wrong button etc.) Now with only one human vote, you've removed the human self check. A human error could get by with just one person voting. I don't like that idea. (There are users on BSE I would not trust with that responsibility, and I know there are some on your sites too.) We would essentially be giving whoever came across that auto flagged post moderator powers.

I understand that smokey would be auto flagging only the most obvious spam posts. Posts that SE should be filtering out.

In that light I have no problem with smokey moving to 5 flags. I trust smokey, and if it is that good at finding the really bad spam I think there is no way of a user to mess up. Say we have a spam post, if the user thinks it is not spam (somehow) then the post waits in the queue for the next guy.

About the speed, It's spam. The quicker we get rid of it the better. We may not "need" the speed, but there is no harm in having spam disappear quicker.

Go for it.

Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Spam Posts.

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Note of warning I have not read all of the answers here. I'm sure what I wrote is duplicated somewhere.

I like smokey, it works amazingly well. Yes I would trust it to fully automatically delete spam.

I'm going to point out some "issues" and then speek to them (we are on meta after all).

There are two issues with moving from 3 flags to 5.

  1. Do we really need the extra speed? On the site I moderate, we do not get that much spam. (Smokey has auto flagged 8 posts, total). With the user base, and the amount of questions we get per day we really don't need a machine gun on our spam. A friendly bear watching over the site seems sufficient for us.

  2. Humans are far more likely to get something wrong then a machine. Yes smokey is correct somewhere around 99.7%, but what is the human error rate? (I've made mistakes, clicked the wrong button etc.) Now with only one human vote, you've removed the human self check. A human error could get by with just one person voting. I don't like that idea. (There are users on BSE I would not trust with that responsibility, and I know there are some on your sites too.) We would essentially be giving whoever came across that auto flagged post moderator powers.

I understand that smokey would be auto flagging only the most obvious spam posts. Posts that SE should be filtering out.

In that light I have no problem with smokey moving to 5 flags. I trust smokey, and if it is that good at finding the really bad spam I think there is no way of a user to mess up. Say we have a spam post, if the user thinks it is not spam (somehow) then the post waits in the queue for the next guy.

About the speed, It's spam. The quicker we get rid of it the better. We may not "need" the speed, but there is no harm in having spam disappear quicker.

Go for it. ###Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Spam Posts.