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added 1055 characters in body; added 49 characters in body
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Update: I've gone through every anonymous edit made to this site since I deleted my previous account in November 2013 to the time I created my current account (December 2017), and analyzed which ones are mine, in order to provide a full list of all the edits I contributed as an anonymous user. You can find the list here. Altogether, in the year prior to my creating my current account, I contributed 280 out of 305 anonymous edits, or 92% (close enough to my estimate of ~95%), and overall, I've contributed approximately 320.

The last 100 or so edits I made sure to do under the same cookie, so those are (semi-)confirmed as belonging to me (you can click "more" on the edit review task to see that there were 100-something approvals from the same anonymous user). Previous ones are based purely on my (generally good) memory, though you can see some patterns matching in them. I've marked a "Yes" on those that are confirmed through the aforementioned cookie or I remember performing, and an "Unknown" on those I don't remember.

Update: I've gone through every anonymous edit made to this site since I deleted my previous account in November 2013 to the time I created my current account (December 2017), and analyzed which ones are mine, in order to provide a full list of all the edits I contributed as an anonymous user. You can find the list here. Altogether, in the year prior to my creating my current account, I contributed 280 out of 305 anonymous edits, or 92% (close enough to my estimate of ~95%), and overall, I've contributed approximately 320.

The last 100 or so edits I made sure to do under the same cookie, so those are (semi-)confirmed as belonging to me (you can click "more" on the edit review task to see that there were 100-something approvals from the same anonymous user). Previous ones are based purely on my (generally good) memory, though you can see some patterns matching in them. I've marked a "Yes" on those that are confirmed through the aforementioned cookie or I remember performing, and an "Unknown" on those I don't remember.

Never mind, I got it wrong actually
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But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in FebruaryJanuary 2014. ThisThis was my first approved anonymous edit. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in February 2014. This was my first approved anonymous edit. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in January 2014. This was my first approved anonymous edit. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

Actually, after querying the data, it seems I was wrong about when I made my first anonymous edit.
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But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in mid-2014February 2014. Back then, it wasn't possible for anonymous users to see their pending review tasks, andThis was my first approved anonymous edit wasn't applied, so I assumed it was rejected. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. This was my first approved anonymous edit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in mid-2014. Back then, it wasn't possible for anonymous users to see their pending review tasks, and my edit wasn't applied, so I assumed it was rejected. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. This was my first approved anonymous edit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

But my interest in SE persisted. As such, I made my first anonymous edit to MSE in February 2014. This was my first approved anonymous edit. I didn't make any more anonymous edits to MSE until late 2014, just as I was made to quit. I then got interested further, but because I was busy at the time, I wasn't able to really start editing until late last year.

added 69 characters in body
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added 189 characters in body
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