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That's genuinely terrific,terrific; congrats to those involved:

2Two quick questions: I hope this is directed at the right folks.

  1. How does it compare to Gmail, just very roughlyroughly, in filtering effectiveness?

  2. Can I now go back to PhysicsSE and say we have a possible way, sometime in the future, to filter homework questionsquestions (which are worse than spam, in some opinions)?

Apologies if I missed these questionquestions in thethe previous responses above, just. Just tell me that, and I will have a mooch myself through this post.

That's genuinely terrific, congrats to those involved:

2 quick questions: I hope this is directed at the right folks.

  1. How does it compare to Gmail, just very roughly, in filtering effectiveness

  2. Can I now go back to PhysicsSE and say we have a possible way, sometime in the future, to filter homework questions (which are worse than spam, in some opinions)

Apologies if I missed these question in the responses above, just tell me that and I will have a mooch myself through this post.

That's genuinely terrific; congrats to those involved:

Two quick questions: I hope this is directed at the right folks.

  1. How does it compare to Gmail, just very roughly, in filtering effectiveness?

  2. Can I now go back to PhysicsSE and say we have a possible way, sometime in the future, to filter homework questions (which are worse than spam, in some opinions)?

Apologies if I missed these questions in the previous responses. Just tell me that, and I will have a mooch myself through this post.

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  • 565
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That's genuinely terrific, congrats to those involved:

2 quick questions: I hope this is directed at the right folks.

  1. How does it compare to Gmail, just very roughly, in filtering effectiveness

  2. Can I now go back to PhysicsSE and say we have a possible way, sometime in the future, to filter homework questions (which are worse than spam, in some opinions)

Apologies if I missed these question in the responses above, just tell me that and I will have a mooch myself through this post.