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Commonmark migration
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##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (possibly including deleted ones).

##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (possibly including deleted ones).

Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (possibly including deleted ones).

minor wordsmithing
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  • 11.2k
  • 26
  • 149
  • 328

##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (includingpossibly including deleted ones).

##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (including deleted ones).

##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (possibly including deleted ones).

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  • 11.2k
  • 26
  • 149
  • 328

##Immediately protect questions having 3 or more answers.

10K users can vote delete questions two days after these are closed. Users with twice as much rep, at 20K, gain privilege to vote immediately if closed question has score -3 or less.

15K users can protect questions a day after these are posted. Similar to elevated delete vote privileges, system could grant users with twice as much rep, at 30K, a privilege to protect immediately if question has 3 or more answers (including deleted ones).