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The real, root problem is that the ratio of points granted for accepted vs. upvoted does not correspond to the value we place on them as a community.

The questions and answers belong to the community, over time, in a very real sense. And, the community votes - from disinterested third parties - are more meaningful than one vote from the questioner. Since having been chosen as the correct answer already imparts psychological karma, an accepted action should grant fewer votes to the answerer than an upvote.

Removing the visible accept rate hides the user's behavior and makes the community more anonymous. These are the exact kinds of community attributes that result in the worst behavior. E.g., driving in traffic; commenting on the Internet in general. Anonymity and lack of accountability foster bad behavior every time. Public shamingknowledge is a positive social force that keeps societies friendly. Witness the anonymity of large cities, lack of public / social repercussions for bad behavior and the results vs. small towns with cohesive social networks.

The real, root problem is that the ratio of points granted for accepted vs. upvoted does not correspond to the value we place on them as a community.

The questions and answers belong to the community, over time, in a very real sense. And, the community votes - from disinterested third parties - are more meaningful than one vote from the questioner. Since having been chosen as the correct answer already imparts psychological karma, an accepted action should grant fewer votes to the answerer than an upvote.

Removing the visible accept rate hides the user's behavior and makes the community more anonymous. These are the exact kinds of community attributes that result in the worst behavior. E.g., driving in traffic; commenting on the Internet in general. Anonymity and lack of accountability foster bad behavior every time. Public shaming is a positive social force that keeps societies friendly. Witness the anonymity of large cities, lack of public / social repercussions for bad behavior and the results vs. small towns with cohesive social networks.

The real, root problem is that the ratio of points granted for accepted vs. upvoted does not correspond to the value we place on them as a community.

The questions and answers belong to the community, over time, in a very real sense. And, the community votes - from disinterested third parties - are more meaningful than one vote from the questioner. Since having been chosen as the correct answer already imparts psychological karma, an accepted action should grant fewer votes to the answerer than an upvote.

Removing the visible accept rate hides the user's behavior and makes the community more anonymous. These are the exact kinds of community attributes that result in the worst behavior. E.g., driving in traffic; commenting on the Internet in general. Anonymity and lack of accountability foster bad behavior every time. Public knowledge is a positive social force that keeps societies friendly. Witness the anonymity of large cities, lack of public / social repercussions for bad behavior and the results vs. small towns with cohesive social networks.

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The real, root problem is that the ratio of points granted for accepted vs. upvoted does not correspond to the value we place on them as a community.

The questions and answers belong to the community, over time, in a very real sense. And, the community votes - from disinterested third parties - are more meaningful than one vote from the questioner. Since having been chosen as the correct answer already imparts psychological karma, an accepted action should grant fewer votes to the answerer than an upvote.

Removing the visible accept rate hides the user's behavior and makes the community more anonymous. These are the exact kinds of community attributes that result in the worst behavior. E.g., driving in traffic; commenting on the Internet in general. Anonymity and lack of accountability foster bad behavior every time. Public shaming is a positive social force that keeps societies friendly. Witness the anonymity of large cities, lack of public / social repercussions for bad behavior and the results vs. small towns with cohesive social networks.