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In the mean-time, it is just about possible to get a list of your rejected edits (more easily than clicking through Every. Single. Edit. on one's profile to check, that is) using StackExchange data explorer and a query something like this:

FROM SuggestedEdits WHERE RejectionDate is not null AND OwnerUserId = MY_ID

(where MY_ID is your SO user ID).

An example showing my rejected editmy rejected edit.

In the mean-time, it is just about possible to get a list of your rejected edits (more easily than clicking through Every. Single. Edit. on one's profile to check, that is) using StackExchange data explorer and a query something like this:

FROM SuggestedEdits WHERE RejectionDate is not null AND OwnerUserId = MY_ID

(where MY_ID is your SO user ID).

An example showing my rejected edit.

In the mean-time, it is just about possible to get a list of your rejected edits (more easily than clicking through Every. Single. Edit. on one's profile to check, that is) using StackExchange data explorer and a query something like this:

FROM SuggestedEdits WHERE RejectionDate is not null AND OwnerUserId = MY_ID

(where MY_ID is your SO user ID).

An example showing my rejected edit.

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In the mean-time, it is just about possible to get a list of your rejected edits (more easily than clicking through Every. Single. Edit. on one's profile to check, that is) using StackExchange data explorer and a query something like this:

FROM SuggestedEdits WHERE RejectionDate is not null AND OwnerUserId = MY_ID

(where MY_ID is your SO user ID).

An example showing my rejected edit.