Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Step one: Tag the subject

The engineer transport tool (ETT) was a rifle-shaped piece of transporter technology invented by Montgomery Scott. It allowed the user to tag and transport a targeted object or person from one site to another. It could also be used to destroy drones.


Step two: Aim and fire to transport

While attempting to get around obstacles in destroyed sections of the frontier starbase, James T. Kirk and Spock used the tool extensively. They also used it to access successive levels of the relay tower. (TOS video game: Star Trek)

A similar device, the cargo gun, appears in the The Sky's the Limit short story: "Friends With the Sparrows". This is also similar to the Son'a drone transporter tags and the "portable beam-me-up" devised by Seven of Nine and Raffi in PIC season 3.