Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

While stranded on a dying planet, Cadet Worf and his friends discover they are not alone!


Rescue overdue
Deadly space raiders have destroyed the colony on Dantar. Now stranded on this remote planet, surrounded by the burning fires of the abandoned colony, Worf, his friends from Starfleet Academy, and cadets from the Klingon Empire fight to survive. They face harsh weather, low supplies, and hidden dangers.
As suspicion between the Klingon and Starfleet cadets grows, the camp quickly becomes a battleground, with Worf right in the middle.
But Worf and the others soon realize they are not alone as they face a mysterious and dangerous alien warrior. Klingons and Humans now must unite and work together before their first mission in deep space becomes their last…


The Starfleet and Klingon cadets have been stranded on Dantar IV for nearly three weeks with no word. Soleta discovers the crashed ship that attacked the colony and captures its pilot, a Brikar named Baan. After Soleta mind melds with him, he admits the Brikar are planning a strike against the Federation. They had a secret base set up on Dantar IV and he was sent to get rid of the colonists before they found out.

Tobias and McHenry find the base and most of the group descend into it in search of a subspace communicator. Baan gets free, overpowering McHenry and Gowr, and floods the base in an attempt to kill the cadets but Worf is able to get rid of the water by blowing open the base's drain. Baan is overpowered by Gowr, who he had believed dead.

The cadets are picked up by the USS Repulse who report that there was a brief war between the Federation and the Brikars but, deserted by their allies, the Brikars have now sued for peace and are returning the Dantar colonists, who they took hostage.



BaanGowrZak KebronK'EhleyrKodashMark McHenrySoletaTaggertTania TobiasWorf
Referenced only
Eldinsa'aarKahless the UnforgettableMorathSergey RozhenkoAlexander Trump

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Repulse (Excelsior-class cruiser)
Referenced only
IKS Azetbur


Dantar IV

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

Klingon EmpireFederation StarfleetUnited Federation of Planets

Ranks and titles[]


Other references[]



Related media[]



Stories set in Starfleet Academy
Comics Starfleet Academy ("Prime DirectivesLibertyLoyalty TestWar and PeaceLove and DeathPassagesHide and SeekReturn to the Forbidden PlanetA Prelude to WarJudgmentTelepathy War (Part One) • Parents' DayT'Priell Revealed (Part OnePart TwoPart Three) • Culture ClashMangHom qaDBetween Love and Hate") • Starfleet Academy!Starfleet Academy (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5)
Movies Starfleet Academy SCISEC Briefs (SCISEC Brief 001: "Mystery Behind Voyager" • SCISEC Brief 002: "Mystery Behind Ceti Alpha VI" • SCISEC Brief 003: "Mystery Behind the Vulcan Katra Transfer" • SCISEC Brief 004: "The Whale Probe" • SCISEC Brief 005: "Nimbus III" • SCISEC Brief 006: "Praxis" • SCISEC Brief 007: "Trilithium" • SCISEC Brief 008: "Temporal Vortex" • SCISEC Brief 009: "The Origins of the Ba'ku and Son'a Conflict" • SCISEC Brief 010: "Thalaron Radiation")
Novels Video game novelization1990s series (Crisis on VulcanAftershockCadet KirkWorf's First AdventureLine of FireSurvivalLifelineThe Chance FactorQuarantine) • The Best and the BrightestAcademy: Collision Course2010s series (The Delta AnomalyThe EdgeThe Gemini AgentThe Assassination Game)
Short stories "The Bottom Line" • "Best Tools Available" • "Academy Acquisition"
Video games Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge SimulatorStarfleet AcademyStarfleet Academy: Strategic CommandStarfleet Academy: Chekov's Lost MissionsAcademy TrainerCadet Training Facility
Live performances Star Trek LiveThe Starfleet Academy Experience


published order
Previous novel:
Line of Fire
TNG books Next novel:
Capture the Flag
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Line of Fire
Pocket Next Adventure:
Chapter 3

French : Mission de survie, translated by Bruno Billion. (Fleuve Noir)
German : Überleben. (Heyne)
Hebrew : ��מאבק בבריקאר, translated by Inbal Sagiv. (Snow)

External link[]
